Saturday, August 16, 2008

Check-In Day is next week!

Check-in Day is next week!

Check-In Day
Fall Packet Info
Class Sweats
Volunteers Needed
Daily Bulletin
September Dates
Check-In Day Info
Sophomores have check-in from 8:00 to 9:15 on the morning of Thursday, August 21st.
Students should arrive according to the alphabet sequence on the agenda.
Last year the school was *very* strict about this. Coaches will honor absences for check-in.

If you can not make your time, you can NOT come EARLY, but you CAN come LATER than your scheduled
time. If you are unable to make the registration day, your student can take care of all of their paperwork & fees the first week of school.

A parent or guardian can check-in for a student-you must bring identification.

Please remind your student that they need to enter the school at the entrance near the football field.
If they try to enter on the Factoria Boulevard entrance, they will be asked to walk around the building and they aren't very happy when we tell them to do so!
Fall Packet Info

Yes, you should read every single word! This is an incredible source of information for all parents. We do change things up year to year to streamline the process. Have all forms and checks ready to go.

Station 1 - Return Information sheets (PTSA, Student Profile, Health information, Physical forms, etc)

Please note the following about the Student Profile Form:

Student Profile Form: Release of information about student: for privacy reasons, many parents check N to the first question here “Should directory information be released as explained above? Please read this paragraph carefully. It means that…..
• The family doesn’t receive the PTSA newsletter.
• The family won’t be in the directory (unless they fill out the directory form and opt back in).
• The student’s name won’t appear on the honor roll or any other published list of student achievement.
• The student’s name won’t appear in the graduation program.

Just wanted to help you make sure you picked the option you intended here. If you have specific questions, the Registrar, Shelby Dawes, 456-7521, would be a good person to ask.

Station 2 - Pick up Schedule
- your student did get a preliminary schedule at the end of the school year. They will pick up a schedule at check-in and again on the first day of school
- be prepared to pay fees associated with any science, fine arts or career/technology classes

Station 3 - The FEES/FINE station - They’ll put you into another line (more waiting) if you don’t pay your fines prior to check-in days.
- $45 ASB
- $55 Annual (I encourage you to purchase this now rather than later)
- Activity/Athletic Fees
- science, fine arts, career/technology fees
- Fees associated with classes

Station 4 - Metro Pass/Bus transportation
If your student is eligible for bus transportation, you should have received a form to be signed by both student and parent. Please have your student bring this signed form to registration day.

Station 5 - ID cards/school pictures
Mandatory ID pictures will be taken on check-in day. Students who wish to purchase picture packets need to refer to the form from Dorian. Make checks payable to Dorian. If students want their picture to appear in the annual, they must have their school picture taken. Picture make-up day is scheduled for September 10th.

Station 6 - Parking
Parking passes for Sophomores - please set a LOW expectation for the chance for a parking pass (Seniors & Juniors have priority), YET I encourage you to have all of the paperwork that you received filled out (with the exception of payment) so that your student can be placed on a waiting list. This includes the yellow Student Vehicle Registration form, Newport HS Parking Policy (signed by both parent/student), proof of insurance, license. (they will want to see the actual insurance form & license - not a copy)

Station 7 - Lockers (optional)
- two people may share a locker & sign up together
- you can opt to sign up for a locker after check-in days

Class Sweats - I am sure your student noticed there was not a form included in the packet. No worries! We've had a change in class advisors and are working on getting this information as well as an ASB fundraiser for the Class of 2011 into a flyer that I will send out. More information to come!

Volunteers Needed – First few days of school
It’s not too late to sign up if you want to help with jobs the first week of school. The kids really appreciate seeing our familiar faces and of course the office really relies on our help. For more information contact Tony Brocato

Daily Bulletin
If you want to receive the Daily Bulletin in your email inbox, send your email address to

September Dates

9/10 picture make-up day
9/17 PTSA Meeting
9/23 Grade Level presentations 6:15
Back to school - Open House 7:00
Classroom Bucks Fundraiser

Enjoy the last few weeks of summmer!

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison