Monday, September 1, 2008

Bellevue Schools Closed Until Further Notice

Hi everyone– wish I had different news to share.

BSD - (message below)

Feel free to ask me any questions you have and I’ll try to research them for you. Any days missed due to the strike will need to be made up.

Julie Rooney

From Kelly Munn, our Region 2 Legislation Chair (Kelly has good advice for us because she was active in PTA in Issaquah back when their teachers went on strike. Much of her advice was earned the hard way – through experience):

Don’t support one side over another. For the most part we know and like our teachers. For many of us, it’s instinctive to help the people that directly help our children. Don’t do it. It will prolong the strike. The more support one side gets, the more entrenched the strike will become, the longer the strike will last. The community needs to say “resolve the strike now, it’s not good for children” repeatedly, and to both sides.

The WSPTA has a position on strikes – that they are not good for children. See below. Consistently repeat this message to everyone.

If you distribute information, distribute information from both sides. Remember that this is a strike and that the information WILL BE biased on both sides, sometimes it will be out and out lies, other times it will be sins of omissions. The community does not have a seat at the bargaining table and therefore we don’t really understand what is being negotiated. Both sides will spin the information to their advantage. We will never really understand what is being negotiated.

Don’t bring donuts to the picket lines. The teachers will take it as “support” and it makes them feel supported, don’t take donuts to the admin office either – it does the same to them. We speak for kids, and strikes are not good for kids, we need a strike to end as quickly as possible.

If money is one of the problems, money is not a local issue, it’s a statewide issue. Blame the lack of state education funding. The state does not provide enough money to our communities. Bellevue is perceived as a “wealthy” district, and is wealthy in some areas, but in terms of per pupil funding Bellevue is “middle of the pack” in funding, even with its high levy lid. The state needs to adequately fund school districts and this includes adequately funding teachers. This is not a local school district problem, it’s a state wide funding problem.

Do not believe what you hear. Although leaders, the press, etc. will say that the dispute is about “money” or about “curriculum” or it’s about teachers being “valued”, that is rarely what is actually being negotiated. This is why it’s better for the community to consistently say “strikes hurt children.” We don’t really know what is going on, and the information will be biased at best from both sides.

There is a normal course for a strike to run through. There may be personal attacks on the highest levels of leadership. There may be suggestions that the budget can be balanced with the “reserve fund” (when those funds run out your school district will have to make cuts). The school district may be giving too little information which adds significantly more confusion to the community. Teachers may be concerned that they are “not valued as the professionals that they are” These are all things that are said in most teachers strikes.

Help the school community to repair itself after the strike. Thank the teachers for getting back to work, thank the administrators for making a deal. Recruit people to go to Olympia to work on more funding for schools across the state. Work together with administrators, teachers and parents towards something positive.


Resolution, 1986
Revised, 2006
Whereas, The Washington State PTA has a purpose “To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, spiritual education”; and,

Whereas, Quality Education is a high priority issue for the Washington State PTA; and, Whereas, Washington State citizens have historically valued the reliable delivery of vital services and the orderly management of public institutions including fire and police services and public schools, and,

Whereas, The Washington State PTA also holds that a disruption to the educational system in the form of work stoppages and strikes is detrimental to the best interests of the children and
families affected by those actions, and, Whereas, The Washington State PTA believes that a disruption to the educational system in the form of work stoppages and/or strikes is often detrimental to the best interest of the children and families affected by those actions. While acknowledging that more state resources must be committed to the educational process in the State of Washington, including higher salaries for educational employees: therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Washington State PTA shall work to produce conditions with regard to the collective bargaining process which will consistently produce, in a timely manner, labor agreements negotiated and fully embraced by the direct parties thereto and which will not cause disruption to the school calendar; and be it further

Resolved, That the Washington State PTA will not support work stoppages and/or strikes which interrupt or disrupt the educational day.

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Oxrieder, Ann (C Ann)"
Date: September 1, 2008 6:09:20 PM PDT

Subject: strike update -- please share

Bellevue Schools are closed until further notice.

The Bellevue teachers’ union has announced a strike against the Bellevue School District starting Tuesday, September 2. Because of the strike, all District schools are closed until further notice.

Negotiations continue with the assistance of a mediator from the Public Employment Relations Commission. . . .

The strike and its impact will be an agenda item at the School Board’s regular meeting, Tuesday, September 2, at 4:30 PM.

This information will be updated regularly.

Will there be childcare?

Children already enrolled in the District’s childcare program may sign up for fee-supported services at their regular sites. Full-day Head Start will also be on its regular schedule. Half-day pre-school and half-day Head Start will be cancelled. Additional childcare options are available. Access News Release>

Will there be school sports?
School sports and related practices will continue on their regular schedules. Practices will occur at the same times they would occur if schools were in session. No special practices schedules will be permitted.

Will community groups be able to use District facilities and fields?
Community use of District facilities and athletic fields will continue for the time being.

Ann Oxrieder
Assistant to the Superintendent
Bellevue School District
425 456-4127