Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Band Contest, Class Sweats, Super Wednesday & More

Band Contest Vote today!
Class Sweats
Super Wednesday
College Recruiting Seminar
Classroom Bucks
Ski Swap Volunteers Needed
Bellevue Parks Levy
Town Hall Meeting

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class Liaison 2011

Band Contest (vote as many times as you want)
Recently our marching band entered a contest sponsored by KIRO Radio. We arranged the required tune "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee, and recorded it for submission into this contest. If we win the contest, Seattle Seahawk's Blue Thunder Drumline will come to Newport and play for our Homecoming game! We really want to win.

We need every parent, student, co-worker, community member (virtually anyone who owns an email account and who is willing log in) to go to and vote. This is the KIRO website. The show that will be hosting the contest is called "Too Beautiful to Live" or TBTL. It is on from 7:00-10:00pm weeknights. The voting started Tuesday and continues through noon on October 10th. You will be able to access the voting mechanism from their show page (just scroll down on the homepage, on the right side there's a picture of Luke and it links to the showpage) and from the "Events and Contests" page.


Class Sweats
Class Sweats will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, October 14th after school at 12:40. Be listening to the announcements for the location.


It is time again for the craziness! Homecoming Week is October 20th-24th with the Homecoming Dance on October 25th. There will be themes for each day, Hall Decs on Thursday, the Homecoming Assembly on Friday the 24th and the Varsity football game vs. Issaquah on Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Newport. More information to come as we get closer.

Homecoming Ticket Sales - Tickets will be on sale these days ONLY: October 21 (Tuesday), October 22 (Wednesday) after school, and October 23 (Thursday) both lunches. If your student is bringing a guest, the completed form must be turned in by Wednesday, Oct 22nd at 3:15. No late forms will be accepted, and the office will not fax or receive faxes of these forms. The student must then present the pass received in the office to the Ticket Sale table. The guest must present a valid ticket and a school ID card at the door. Please help your student understand this process.

Want to chaperone the dance? Let me know.


Super Wednesday
Super Wednesday is on October 15. The modified schedule for the week of October 13th is listed at the bottom of the email.

Sophomores will take the PLAN assessment. Room assignments will be posted in the hallways. Tutorial is available from 11:30 to 12:30


If you would like to take the PSAT the practice SAT please pay the Newport accountant $20 by October 10th. The PSAT will be on Saturday, October 18th at Odle Middle School.


College Recruiting Process Seminar

Free Admission -Monday Oct. 13, 2008, 7:00 PM, Bellevue HS Main Gym
‧ Scott Brayton – Presenter
‧ Parents and Athletes both welcome to attend
‧ Learn the latest about the college athletic recruiting process.


Classroom Bucks

Thanks to all of you who generously donated to the Classroom Bucks fundraiser. For those of you who did not attend Open House and would still like make a donation, a flyer is attached. Every dollar you give goes directly to a Newport classroom.


SKI SWAP: Save the Dates! Volunteers Needed!
The Newport Snowsports Ski Swap is quickly approaching and we have many open time slots for you and your friends/family members to sign up and help us during the Ski Swap.

The event occurs Saturday and Sunday, November 8th and 9th, at Newport HS. We have time slots from Friday afternoon through Monday available!!
- Friday afternoon/evening is Swap Set up
- Saturday and Sunday is the actual Swap event
- Sunday afternoon/evening is the Swap Take down
- Monday reconciliation (not open to public)

This is a great way to meet other parents and friends, have your teenager earn community service credit for BSD/Knights Valor ..and more!
Please register via the Web site: and click on the Volunteer tab in the left margin!
We hope you can find time to volunteer in some capacity. Parents and students who get involved, seem to have an incredibly fun time every year!
Bellevue Parks Levy

Community Activists John Stokes and Karen Roper made a presentation to PTSA Board Members urging Bellevue residents to vote YES on the Bellevue Parks Levy (Proposition 1) that will be the last item on the November 4th ballot. This replaces a 20 year old levy to maintain and improve the Bellevue Parks and Open Space System. For more information go to:


Town Hall Meeting

Bellevue School Board and Bellevue PTSA Council invite you to a conversation with our representatives.
Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48)
Senator Rodney Tom (D-48)
Rep. Fred Jarrett (D-41)

"Let's do something about state education funding" (A Proposal for the Basic Education Finance Joint Task Force), Tuesday, Oct. 14th 7pm
Sammamish High School Performing Arts Center

Washington State's education funding system is broken. Increasing costs and declining funds to public schools continue to create chronic under funding which affects every student in Bellevue and forces the district to use levy dollars to fund basic education programs.

2008-2009 could begin the change. For more than a year, the WA Joint Task Force on Basic Education Finance has been studying the education funding problems facing our state. Its report and suggestions to the legislature are due in December 2008. Finally, there will be a serious and open discussion in Olympia about what our kids need and how we can help them get it. The Task Force has been working on two monumental issues important to BSD and the State:

- redefining basic public education to include all that our children need for success
- developing an appropriate funding mechanism for our schools

This presentation will discuss a serious proposal to address these issues; and how we can help.

After the presentation, questions will be answered from the Board and the audience. For event information or to submit questions in advance, contact Bellevue PTSA Council President Janet Suppes or Legislative Chair Connie Gerlitz

For more info on the BEFJTF, visit
The Washington Learns report can be found at
Learn more about the WA education funding crisis at