Monday, July 16, 2007

Class of 2011 - Summer Volunteering

Summer Volunteer work for parents: Janet Suppes needs your help! - Parents and students are needed to help with stuffing packets on August 9 (8 a.m. until noon; OK to work part of that time) & with Check-In Days - Thursday, August 22nd & 23rd. She really need parents for Freshman Check-In Day, Thursday, August 23rd (7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)! This always turns out to be a lot of fun. For many of you, it will be your first chance to share in the chaos that is back-to-school registration. The students are rested and energetic, and parents are happy to see one another. Please let Janet know if you are available. Contact:

Incoming Freshman can earn Volunteer Hours this summer!
Summer is also a great time for students to build up their volunteer hours...all students need 40 hours of volunteer time to graduate, and those who do 100 or more can earn the "Knight Valor" award from our PTSA. Forms are available in the NHS office (3-part forms for the 40 hours). Knight Valor details at

Oh, and by the way, if you know someone who would make a great PTA President, tell them to contact Audrey Bennett or Janet Suppes. It is a very low stress year for someone who isn't sure what is expected - everyone else on the exec committee has experience. The primary responsibility will be to run the meetings, and the side benefit is to meet with Patty Siegwarth regularly to stay current on school information. How often does that opportunity happen?

Enjoy these summer days!

Julie Rooney
Class of 2011 Liaison