Thursday, December 17, 2009

PSAT Results & More!

PSAT results are in! Attached is the powerpoint presentation that our students were presented this week by the counselors. Students were also given their practice test and scores so you can understand the results of the test. Alicia Williams, NHS Counselor has provided a couple of articles below that you will find interesting as well as the attached College Board Student Handout.

This is great information for you to read about dispelling college admission myths. So much of our student's time is spent worrying about getting IN to a college rather than focusing on WHERE they are going and looking for the best fit. Now is the time to be visiting and researching colleges.

Another great resource at Newport is the Career Center. Barb Mercier, Career Specialist, can help your student with career exploration workshops, job hunting, programs, camps & internships. This is another great way to start your student's college search. The Career Center is located near the ASB and accounting office. Students can drop in anytime.

Wishing everyone a relaxed winter break. Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison


Top Myths About College Admissions

Tuesday, Apr. 22nd 2008 6:29

A lot of students believe that there’s a holy grail of rules that you need to follow to get into your desired school. Surprisingly (for some), that’s not the case. Here are some myths about college acceptance that need to be dispelled.
  1. You need a perfect SAT score to get into an Ivy League school.
  2. You need a perfect GPA to get into an Ivy League school.
  3. Your perfect SAT score will get into an Ivy League school.
  4. Your perfect GPA will get you into an Ivy.
  5. Your perfect GPA and SAT score will get you into an Ivy League school.
  6. If you have what it takes (in 1-5), “second tier” schools will offer you scholarships to join their programs.
  7. Public colleges are cheaper than private colleges.
  8. Obsessing over grades in high school is worth the hassle because you’re guaranteed admission to your favorite school.
  9. Ivy League universities provide education unsurpassed by local, public, or smaller schools.
  10. Rankings mean everything to a school and should be considered in your college decision-making.
  11. It’s best to attend the most prestigious university you’re accepted to.
  12. You should join 30 clubs for quantity instead of focusing on building up a credible reputation in one or two solid extracurricular activities.
  13. Students coming from unfortunate financial situations are lucky because they’ll be offered a full ride to the colleges of their choice.
  14. Applying to schools without financial need increases your chances of acceptance.
  15. All in-state colleges are safety schools.
  16. Valedictorians and salutatorians will get into any schools they apply to.
  17. Colleges look down on students who take the ACT in comparison to the SAT.
  18. You must have accumulated community service hours to be considered for college admissions.
  19. Ivy League schools are full of people who are rich.
  20. If you’re deferred, that means you’ll have no chance of getting into the school.
  21. There is one school out there that fits you perfectly.
  22. Having family who are alumni will guarantee your admissions into schools more so than having good scores.
  23. If you don’t get into the school of your choosing, your life is over.

College Admissions Myths -

Sep 13, 2006 ... Nine things you thought would get you into college--but won't.
www.forbes.comLeadershipCareers - Cached - Similar – this is a great story on the forbes website.


In or Out: Inside College Admissions- this is one of my favorite articles!

By JODIE MORSE Sunday, Oct. 15, 2000

Eagle-eyed: Cornell officers read between the lines


What to do about Theater Boy? That was the question vexing Peggy Walbridge and David Field as the two admissions readers paged through his application to Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. With a 1,420 SAT score, solid grades and top scores on two Advanced Placement exams, the applicant — we're calling him Theater Boy to protect his identity — certainly looked like Cornell material. He had appeared in professional music productions and helped raise over $50,000 to stage plays at his school. "That's pretty amazing," Walbridge muttered. Field chuckled as he read through the applicant's essay about his voice changing from a once beautiful boyhood soprano. Said Field: "There's a nice sense of humor in this writing."

Still, something gave the readers pause. There was nothing outstanding in the applicant's two teacher recommendations. A more gushing letter came from his boss at the pizza place where he worked after school, detailing Theater Boy's rapport with the restaurant's immigrant cooks. "He sure sounds like a wonderful employee," said Walbridge. Field interjected, "But is he a real scholar?" Theater Boy wrote that he wants to study politics and history. But the two readers wondered why he hadn't studied more of them already. Theater Boy's moment was fading as quickly as it came. "The more I think about it, I don't see enough real scholarship here," sighed Field. "I just have a feeling we can do better."

They can, because Cornell, like other elite colleges, has seven applicants for every spot in its freshman class. As 1.2 million high school seniors begin the college-application process in earnest this month, competition has never been fiercer. Nor have students been better prepared. These days, kids in junior high take high school academic classes to make room for more demanding courses in the later grades. And in just the past decade, there's been an 83% increase in the number of ninth-graders who take the sat — just for practice.

But even if you didn't take calculus in the ninth grade, there are steps you can take at application time to better your odds. Last spring three of the country's most selective schools — Rice University, Bowdoin College and Cornell University — allowed TIME behind the closed doors of their admissions deliberations. The one stipulation: that TIME not use the names or certain identifying characteristics of kids like Theater Boy. The insights we gleaned won't substitute for top scores and grades. But they did puncture some of the myths that often prevent an applicant from winning admission to his or her favorite college.

Myth 1 - Make yourself look as well rounded as possible
You would think that a flutist-cum-poet with a 1,520 sat, an unblemished transcript and a passion for philosophy would find a warm welcome at Houston's Rice University. Renaissance Girl was involved in so many extracurricular activities — band, the literary magazine, the astronomy, philosophy and poetry clubs — that it took minute handwriting to squeeze them onto the application. Yet she never made it off the waiting list.

In the parlance of Rice's admissions committee, Renaissance Girl was a "clubber," a serial joiner of school organizations who never rises to a leadership position. One Cornell applicant submitted a one-page, single-spaced addendum to his application that cataloged, as one admissions officer exasperatedly termed it, "every activity he's ever participated in." With the "spread too thin" designation on his voting sheet, even his perfect 800 score on the verbal half of the SAT wasn't enough to stave off rejection.

Says Don Saleh, Cornell's dean of admissions and fInancial aid: "Students should occupy leadership roles and show years of commitment. That's one way we know kids aren't doing activities just to put them on their applications." Another is to ask how many hours students spend on each activity. And in an instance where the numbers seemed high? A gimlet-eyed Cornell officer whipped out a calculator to reveal that the (unsuccessful) applicant claimed to spend 50 hours a week on after-school pursuits.

Myth 2 - The essay counts only in close calls
Before even glancing at grades or test scores, admissions officers at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, rate a student's personal statement. That first impression can color the whole discussion. The committee, for example, issued a swift rejection to a student whose essay was riddled with typos. After reading a moving tale of how one student bonded with a Chilean immigrant struggling to educate his children, assistant dean Debbie DeVeaux went to bat for the applicant: "I love this guy. I hope you love him as much as I do."

A little warmth and humor never hurts either. Bowdoin requires a second, shorter essay on an influential teacher. Most students opt for a boiler-plate hymn to the hardest teacher in school. But a rare description of a teacher who "was big, but not overweight ... like you could trust her to provide you with bread and beef through the winter" got the committee laughing. And the essay's touching conclusion — "she taught me how to improve from a mistake and still like myself" — sent them straight for the admit stamp. Otherwise, the student's B record would not have got him in.

Admissions officers say the most successful essays show curiosity and self-awareness. Says Cornell's Saleh: "It's the only thing that really lets us see inside your soul." While there's no one right formula for soul baring, there are many wrong ones. It's disastrous to write, as one Rice applicant did, of what he could "bring to the University of California." A self-absorbed or arrogant tone is also a guaranteed turnoff. Exhibit A: a Rice essay beginning, "I have accumulated a fair amount of wisdom in a relatively limited time of life." Exhibit B: A Cornell applicant who set out to "describe the indescribable essence of myself."
The officers accept that student essays are often heavily edited and adapted for multiple applications. But if an essay seems too polished, they'll often compare the writing with that in other parts of the application, and even to a student's verbal SAT score.

Myth 3 - Send your "award-winning" art portfolio
Each spring admissions officers amass boxes full of discarded watercolors and videotaped productions of the Music Man — and the occasional batch of brownies — all sent by students hoping such extras will increase their prospects. More often they distract readers from the real meat of the application. One Cornell applicant, Budding Author, directed readers to her "countless short stories and novellas." Though the admissions officers were impressed with the other parts of Budding Author's application, they didn't quite know what to make of her creative writing. "Well it's not quite soft porn," said a confused Walbridge. Instead of receiving a fat acceptance packet, Budding Author was wait-listed.

At Cornell and Bowdoin, admissions readers typically send art slides and music tapes out to department heads to get an expert appraisal. Those rare applicants who get a ringing endorsement are usually instant hits back in the committee room. That was the case for one student's trumpet performance, which received the top rating from Cornell's music department. But, noted reader Ken Gabard, "it's only 1 in 100 who gets this kind of reception."

Myth 4 - Don't spill your guts
Admissions officers love a good against-all-odds story line. "We like to see that kids have overcome adversity," says Cornell's Gabard. "Goodness knows, they'll face adversity in college." Provided the adversity is authentic — like a death in the family — it can make a much more gripping essay topic than a summer jaunt through Europe. And if applicants have suffered any dip in academic performance, they need to account for it, either in an essay or a counselor's letter.

With scattered Cs in the ninth and 10th grades and football and guitar as his only extracurriculars, Comeback Kid would normally have missed Bowdoin's first cut of applications. But in his essay he wrote of how he'd spent those first two years of high school: "slowly poisoning myself in a pool of malted hops." Then a close relative who was an alcoholic died of a stroke. After that, he cut out the beer, got A-pluses in his senior year and won a national writing award. He also won a unanimous thumbs-up for admission.

Schools are also taken with good students from families with little education or money. At Bowdoin, this is known as an "NC/BC" case, for no college/blue collar; at Rice, it's an application with "overcome" factors. At Cornell, admissions readers were initially not too impressed by a student with good test scores but whose grades were all over the map. Then one reader noticed that she came from a family with no higher education and worked up to 40 hours a week as a cashier. But it was her essay that really swayed the committee, as she described being derisively called "white girl" by some other blacks and related how one classmate told her that he "looked forward to seeing me flipping burgers' after graduation."

Before you go crafting your sob story, it bears noting that college admissions officers are among the world's finest b.s. detectors. A case in point: one student's Cornell essay about a relative's homosexuality struck an admissions reader as gratuitous: "This has got shock value written all over it."

Myth 5 - If a teacher says he'll write a rec, it will be a good one
For admissions officers, there's a distinct hierarchy to recommendation letters. "Brilliant means more than bright," says Bowdoin's senior associate dean of admissions Linda Kreamer. "Hardworking and motivated' probably means the student isn't too smart." Cornell readers bristled at a recommendation hailing a student who "cares more about what he learns than what grades he gets." Translation: If admitted, he'd wind up on academic probation.

The best recommendations describe a student's accomplishments with specific and knowing details. Bowdoin's admissions committee was on the fence about one applicant who had good grades but below-average test scores. Then it scanned his two recommendations. "A rare gem," said one letter; the other called him a "mature humanitarian." Most compelling, though, was a tidbit missing from the rest of the application. The student had come up with a unique scheme for supporting world famine relief: he pledged his weekly allowance and persuaded his parents to give matching grants. Cornell readers were similarly impressed with a letter that touted an applicant's papers on Billie Holiday and Vietnam veterans.

To improve his accolades, a student shouldn't necessarily ask the best teacher in school, who's probably swamped with other requests, but should instead seek out someone who really knows him and his work. A student should also jog the memory of his recommender with a cheat sheet of his accomplishments — including a copy of a well-received term paper.

Myth 6 - Don't be too eager
Colleges want students who want them. That's one reason why kids who apply for early decision have a leg up. But for all applicants, it's unwise to skip a college's visit to your high school or, as one Rice applicant did, to ask an alumni interviewer if Rice was just a "second-tier" institution. As with most interactions a student has with a college, this one was duly noted. The interviewer wrote, "I don't think Rice should accept him."

There are also less obvious faux pas, like stating your intended major without checking that it's offered. Students are sometimes asked the number of schools to which they're applying, and some colleges take offense at being one of many under consideration. Rice was weighing one superbly qualified applicant when a reader mentioned that the school was just one of 15 on his list. The student wound up on the wait list.

But such close calls can just as easily swing the other way. Bowdoin's committee was ambivalent about one applicant until it read a last-minute addition to his file, a note saying, "Bowdoin College is at the top of my list." He was admitted.
— With reporting by Andrew Goldstein/Brunswick and Flora Tartakovsky/Houston

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December News!

Brrrr it is cold outside! And some very cold & icy mornings expected for next week. December is a busy month...

Sprit Week
2011 Grad Knight Vino Event
AP Test Registration
PSAT Results
Yearbook Deadline
Student Store Cash Cards
Community Service - Levy calls
Support 2010 ESCRIP Fundraising
Bellevue District News

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

SPIRIT WEEK! Dec 7th to 11th
Monday – Sports Jersey Day
Tuesday – Snow Clothes Day
Wednesday – Neon Day
Thursday – Color Wars! Juniors – White
Friday – Red & Gold Day & assembly schedule

Tolo tickets will be on sale at both lunches next week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, as well as Wednesday after school. No tickets will be sold on Friday! Tickets will be $13 each. Be sure to get your guest passes if needed! Guest passes are available online and in the office and are due to the office by 3:15 on December 9th. No late passes will be accepted. Remember – your student will need an administrator from your guest’s school to sign it, so don’t wait until the last minute.

2011 Grad Knight Fundraiser - Vino Event
RSVP's are coming in for our first 2011 Grad Knight Fundraiser! Sunday, December 13th 2:30-5:00 Vino @ The Landing. $25 per person or $40 per couple. RSVP to or
Bring your friends and try 4 different “Holiday Dinner Friendly” wines along with some light appetizers
Participate in wine tasting tips
Join in Holiday raffles - including Silpada earrings, gift card to Stan's BBQ in Issaquah, wine charms & chocolates!
Special discount for bottle purchases and gift bags for NHS Parents and Friends

AP Test Registration
Online registration extended through Friday, Dec. 11th. The link is on the Newport website, at Students use their password that gives them access to school computers, not the grade viewer password. Students register NOT parents! Still having problems? Send your student to the Main Office. If financial assistance is needed, send your student to the office to get the application. Return the forms to Ms. Suppes in the Main Office. If applying for financial assistance, do not make payment until your student has met with Ms. Suppes or Ms. Klug. Payments to the Accountant will be accepted starting December 7th

Wondering about PSAT scores?
These will be received by the school this month. Hopefully before winter break, yet many times they are received during winter break. The counselors will meet with the students to explain how to read the test scores, sign up for SAT, etc.

Buying a Yearbook?
The deadline to purchase a book is December 16!!! Books cost $55 and checks are made out to Newport High School. Any questions see Mrs. Pierson, the Accountant.


Student Store Cash Cards
Send a check with your student and they can use a card like cash! No more worries about forgetting money!


Community Service – Phone callers needed
PTA is looking for students to phone local residents and encourage them to vote in the February Levy election. Calling will be done at the Puget Sound Energy building in Bellevue, from 5 pm to 8 pm, and you can sign up for any of the following dates: January 25, 26, 27, 28, February 1, 2. Food will be served! Signup sheets are in the Main Office.

2010 Grad Knight Fundraising
Let's support the Grad Knight efforts of the class of 2010. We'll be asking the other classes to support our efforts next year!
For those that like to skip the madness of holiday shopping and do it online please read the information posted below on how you can sign up to have your online shopping support GradKnight 2010! It takes thousands of dollars to put on this safe and fun event so here is an opportunity to help just by doing your normal online shopping. eScrip Online Mall has over 1,000 stores that contribute to our GradKnight account for items purchased from their website through eScrip. The contribution ranges from as low as 1.00% to as high as 16%. By using the directory as you enter the eScrip site you can see the list of stores and the percentage. Examples are: Old Navy - 3%, Amazon - 2.4%, Home Depot - 3% and Nordstrom contributes 6%. There are coupons and offers of free shipping as well and the site is E A S Y ! These are websites where you shop all the time. Go to this website to get started:, Existing eScrip members can log on by going to and log on to their account and shop away. All purchases remain anonymous but the contribution goes directly to our eScrip account.

District News

School Closure Information As temperatures drop and rumors of snow are beginning to surface, a new Emergency School Closure Information image link has also been placed on the home page (

4th Annual Education Roadshow - Save the date! Wednesday, January 20, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:45 pm at Sammamish High School. The title is The Road Ahead: Understanding 21st Century Schools. You can learn more about education goals and innovations in Bellevue’s classrooms, as well as those emerging around the country. Guest speakers include Dr. John Deasy of the Gates Foundation, and Dr. Amalia Cudeiro, Bellevue Schools Superintendent.

District Budget Issues are serious. We don't want you to be surprised when they start talking larger class size, staff reduction or losing the 7 period day. There should be some info coming out from the legislative chairs soon about what kind of action can be taken that would be productive for us as parents. PTSA Focus Day is coming January 18, 2010 and the February Levy election - so stay tuned!
BSDreSource Blog - check out this blog from a high school student's perspective regarding budget cuts

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bad Financial News Ahead....

Dear Newport Families,

It’s important that BSD families understand the potential budget decisions the district may be facing in 2010. The Superintendent has asked that the information about the school board’s meeting with legislators and the link to the video of that meeting be communicated to our parents through our normal channels.

Horst Momber | Substitute Principal
Newport High School | 4333 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006-1999
( 425.456.7405 | *|

Legislators prepare school board for bad financial news ahead
Six local legislators attended Tuesday’s board meeting to talk about what school districts could expect from the 2010 legislative session. The legislators told the board they are expecting a deficit ranging from $2.2 to $2.5 billion in a one-year period (Friday’s Seattle Times said the total was up to $2.6 billion), which could mean more drastic cuts in state funding than those made last year. When parents in the audience asked what they could do to help, they were told to unite with residents of Seattle and Spokane and “light up the board” in the Governor’s office to request a special legislative session in December to consider House bill 1776, which would protect local school districts’ levy authority. See video of legislators’ comments.

Board approves levies for Feb. 9 ballot
Last night the school board approved two levies for the Feb. 9 ballot.
First is an education program levy, which replaces a levy that expires in 2010 and provides 21% of the district’s operating budget.
Second is a technology/capital projects levy, which will be used to:

· Provide new classroom technology and training in its use;
· Upgrade the former Ringdall Middle School to house middle school students whose schools are being
· Complete large-scale maintenance projects such as roofs, flooring, and mechanical, electrical, water and
sewer systems;
· Improve or replace sports fields; and
· Provide support for common curriculum and assessments.

2011 Grad Knight News, AP Test Registration, Toy Drive & Tolo

Wishing all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

2011 Grad Knight Committee News
Reminder from Officer Mills
Leadership Toy Drive
Ski Swap Results
Bus Passes
AP Test Registration
Knights in Vienna Auditions
Bus Passes
PTSA Directories and school pictures
Dates to Remember
First Semester finals schedule

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

2011 Grad Knight Committee News
We had a great initial meeting and are looking forward to our first "event". Mark your calendars for December 13th for "wine tasting and fund raising" at Vino at The Landing. More information to follow!

Reminder from Officer Mills:
Do not leave valuables in the locker room at any time. Remind your student not to hide their cell phones or wallets in their sports bags. Belongings should be in a locker, and the locker should be locked. This includes after school hours. The locker rooms are in constant use after school, and the doors are left unlocked. If something stolen, an incident report form available in the Main Office should be filled out

Leadership Toy Drive
Newport’s Toy Drive will start next Monday, November 30th, and run until Friday, December 4th. We will be collecting NEW, non-wrapped toys, books, or stuffed animals for disadvantaged children in our community. A collection box will be in 2nd period class. A general collection box will be in Mr. Lillie’s room, 2123. The class that collects the most toys will be awarded with a special surprise.

Ski Swap Update
We had sales of $370,000 (about a 10% increase over last year’s record sales) and a record turnout of shoppers. People came from all over the region, and we even made it on the 11 o’clock news on Channel 7. Thanks to all who volunteered and shopped!

Bus Passes
New bus passes are available in the Main Office, from Ms. Caufield, starting Monday, November 23rd.

AP Test Registration
Online registration starts November 30th for students taking AP tests. Your student should have received instructions on how to register from their AP teacher. Your student registers for these tests, not the parent. If financial assistance is needed, an application is required and is available in the office. These forms should be returned to Ms. Suppes in the Main Office as early as possible. If you are applying for financial assistance, do not make your payment until you have met with Ms. Suppes or Ms. Klug.

Payments for AP exams will be accepted starting December 7 and are made to the accountant If you are receiving financial aid or are on the payment plan, you must pay cash or check to the Accountant. Online payments can be done at any time.

Knights In Vienna
The Newport Orchestras are seeking talented student musicians to feature at their annual “Knights in Vienna” event to be held on January 16. AUDITIONS - Thursday, December 10th, starting after school in room 1225 for students that play an instrument, sing or would like to be in the spotlight at a flashy evening of dancing, music and great food!. Pick up audition applications in the Main Office; they’re due Monday, Dec. 7th

Tolo Info – Tickets, Dresses, Traditions
Every year, there are kids attending Tolo for the first time….and of course we have lots of new families….so here’s some info to help your student with planning their evening. Tolo will be on Saturday, December 12th.

Guest passes are now available online and in the office for Tolo. The dance is on December 12th. Guest passes are due to the office by 3:15 on December 9th. No late passes will be accepted. Remember – you will need an administrator from your guest’s school to sign it, so don’t wait until the last minute.

Tolo info from the Newport Dictionary: A formal dance held at school in early December. Girls generally ask the boys. Often the girls pay for the dance tickets, dinner, and any day activities planned by the couple. The boys pay for photos, transportation, and dessert. If the costs of the school-related aspects of Tolo (tickets, photos) are a financial hardship for your family, please see a school counselor or administrator about financial aid. Dinner, dessert, and day activities are not part of the school event.

Buying a Yearbook?
The deadline to purchase a book is December 16!!! All students who have not purchased one by this deadline, risk not getting one because we sell any extra’s on a first come first serve basis after the yearbook is distributed in June. Books cost $55 and checks are made out to Newport High School. Any questions see Mrs. Pierson, the Accountant.

Bellevue Ski School
It's Snowing and the local slopes are opening early this year. Let your kids have a blast boarding and skiing this winter. Sign them up at Early registration (saves you $25) ends 11/30 and late registration ends 12/15 for the 2010 season. Discounted season passes at Snoqualmie Summit available (through 12/15) for our students mean more skiing and boarding in 2010. Since 1958, Bellevue Ski School has offered premier quality snowboarding and skiing instruction for students in grades 2 through 12. We are affiliated with the Bellevue School District, and managed by parent, teacher and community volunteers. Professional instruction is provided by Ullr Snow Sports.

Directories & school pictures
PTA members who did not pick up their directory during Open House can now do so in the Main Office. School pictures and retakes are also available for pick-up!

Dates to Remember
Tolo: December 12
Winter Break: December 19 to January 1
Mid-Winter Break: February 15 to 18
Spring Break: April 5-9
Prom: June 5
Graduation: June 14
Last Day of School: June 17

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I am really trying to keep the emails to a minimum!

2011 Grad Knight Meeting
Newport Ski Swap
Yearbook Photos
Winter Sports Packets
School Play
Mathematics Adoption Parent Information Nights
Counseling Center News
Community Service
Support Class of 2010
Tolo Chaperones needed

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison


Class of 2011 Grad Knight Meeting
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 17th 6:30 p.m. in the NHS Library. The 2011 Grad Knight Committee is ready to start planning. Our committee chair is Tira Villanueva. We have some great ideas to share and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Looking forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to attend and want to be involved, please let me know.


Newport Ski Swap
This is the major fundraiser for our PTSA which enables us to provide funding for students/teachers’ programs and needs (music, sports, education, training, etc). We definitely need YOUR help..and many others! Invite your friends, your family members...we need over 400 ‘shifts’ filled..WE can do it with your help! Click on the Volunteer option (on the left margin) and it will prompt you from there.


Yearbook Photos
Fall sports photo submission deadline: November 20th.
Now and Then: Accepting 12 more submissions! Deadline: November 4th
Due to overwhelming demand, we have expanded our Now and Then section for Yearbook. This allows us to fit 12 more submissions! New Photo Submission Process: If you have photos you would like the Yearbook staff to consider for pages please submit them by going to


Winter Sports Packets

Winter Sport Packets are due November 6, 2009. There is an new Concussion Information Sheet form that needs to be signed by parents.


School Play
Performances for “You Can’t Take It With You” will be held Nov 5-7th 7:30pm at NHS Performing Arts Center.
Tickets are sold in front of the theatre doors during both lunches and at the door the night of the performances. Tickets are $5.00 dollars for students with ASB or $6.00 dollars without. Check out the drama website


The theme is: Beauty Is… The deadline is November 20th, 2009. Check the bulletin or main office for more information.This year’s theme is “Beauty Is…..” Art that follows closest to the theme tends to get highest judging marks. Go to for entry form, rules and guidelines. The art categories are visual arts; film/video; dance; photography; literature and music composition. The Newport Deadline for art submissions is November 20th, 2009. The Newport Art Celebration will be in early December. Students turn art entries into the Reflections Art Box in the office. Please have photographs and visual art mounted on foam board and in protective shrink wrap packaging, not laminated! Also please fill out entry forms completely, including artist’s statement and parent/student signatures! If you have any questions, please email Laura Adams Guy @ .


Mathematics Adoption Parent Information Nights
Come learn about the secondary math instructional materials adoption process, how you can stay informed and provide input. You will have an opportunity to hear how the process has evolved, where we are currently and our next steps. The purpose of these meetings is to disseminate information and describe multiple ways for you to provide input, not as a forum to debate the merits of the proposed instructional materials. Look for continuing updates on the Bellevue School District website at The information nights will be held in the Performing Arts Centers from 7:00-8:00 pm
Thursday, November 5th at Sammamish High School
Monday, November 9th at International School
Thursday, November 12th at Interlake High School
Monday, November 16th at Newport High School

News from the Counseling Center

Historically Black Colleges Information Night On Wed, Nov 4, there will be an information night about Historically Black Colleges at Sammamish High School. There will be presentations about the schools, as well as College Corps, Black Achievers, UNCF, and advising from high school counselors. See Ms. Owen in Counseling for more information

College Visits at Newport:
11/05 2:30…….University of Oregon
11/09 2:30……Eastern Washington University
11/18 12:30….PNW College of Art

Junior Checklist - Class of 2011 Post-High School Planning
I have attached a flyer from the counseling center for both you and your student to review as you look ahead to Senior year. It has a listing of helpful resources as well as questions to get you thinking...

Another SAT Practice Test opportunity
There will be another SAT practice test to benefit Operation Smile on November 18th at Sammamish High School. The test is from 1-5 pm, in room 941 above the library and includes free snacks. The cost is $20 and 100% of the profits go towards providing surgeries to children in third world countries with cleft lips and palates. Students can register and pay through the Sammamish High School accountant or simply show up and bring their money on the day of the test. For more information please contact Kim Dunda at or Rose Gunson at


Community Service Hours
Students can now check their community service hours by going to the community service page of the PTSA website and enter their student ID

Community Service Opportunities

11/9 – 11/10
Bellevue Schools Foundation is looking for volunteers to make phone calls to district parents asking them to consider making a donation to the Bellevue Schools Foundation. Sign up sheets at the NHS Main Office

11/13 – 11/15
NHS Ski Swap: Volunteers are needed on 11/13 from 3:00 to 9:30; 11/14 from 8:30 to 4:00; 11/15 from 8:00 to 1:00.

11/14 & 12/19
City of Bellevue, Stewardship Saturdays: care of City park resources. Contact: Christina Krueger @425-452-4195

Hilltop Holiday Craft Show: 5-8:30pm Northwest Arts Center. Register on-line at or call 425.452-6885.

Newport Shores Holiday Brunch: 10am-2pm Newport Shores (free meal). Contact Peggy Loshin at

Christmas Ships. Newcastle Beach Park: 8-9:30pm. Register on-line at or call 425.452-6885.

Christmas Ships. Meydenbauer Beach Park: 6-7:30pm. Register on-line at or call 425.452-6885.


Support 2010 Grad Knight
Poinsettias for the Holidays
Want a beautiful poinsettia for the holidays? It's the yearly GradKnight Poinsettias sale! These poinsettias have always been the largest and longest-lasting poinsettias around. Poinsettias are $15 each in white, red, and pink. Wreaths are also available for $20. Deadline for orders is Nov 13th. Pick up will be in the Newport Hills Area Dec 4th location to be announced.

Blender Bottles
These work well for the family on the go and make a great gift for students, parents and friends. Great gift idea!
Blender bottles are $8 each. Bottles will be delivered to your student or if in larger quantities to your home. Team orders available for a discount, inquire at

**** For your convenience, pay for your items via Paypal at the Grad Knight website


Tolo Chaperones Needed
The Camelot Club is in charge of planning the Tolo Dance here at Newport High School. The money earned is used for planning the next year's Tolo and for donating to other clubs at Newport. We will need about 30 chaperons and it would be greatly appreciated if you can help! The dance is on December 12, 2009 and is from 9pm-12am. Chaperones arrive at Newport High School by 8 PM. Contact

Sunday, October 25, 2009

End of Quarter, PTSA News & Opportunities

Just a few important reminders as we come to the end of the quarter. And remember there is NO school on Monday, November 2nd (Professional Day). And be sure to vote on or before Tuesday, November 3rd!

PTSA Meeting
PTSA Volunteers needed - Grant Committee, Knightline, Ski Swap
Reflection Art Program
Community Service Hours
Parking Reminder/Student Drop off and Pick Up areas
Poinsettias for the Holidays
Winter Sports Packets
College Visits
All School Play

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

We’re starting a few minutes early because there is so much to cover this month (but we’ll have LIGHT snacks there too). First segment is a guest appearance from School Board Member Paul Mills who will conduct a brief discussion about what the school district should seek in their levy this spring (covers maintenance & operations). You have a chance to have your input heard! Then an informal chance for you to ask school board candidates Paul Mills and Patti Mann (NHS PTSA board member) questions before you fill out your ballot for the 11/3 election (they are competing for a school board position). The primary discussion is about how teens use Mobile devices, Internet and Social Media – we DEFINITELY encourage students to attend this one to participate in the discussion! The goal is for a better awareness and understanding by parents of what goes on day-in/day-out night-in/night-out on the part of your kids, today’s “Digital Natives”. We will also conduct our regular business meeting that requires your input and participation.

PTSA Volunteers Needed:
- Grants Committee: We are recruiting three candidates to help review staff grants when they are submitted by teachers (November). Contact Eric (
- Knightline/Communications: Do you want to help with Knighline preparation OR learn more about web site preparation (in case we move most communications online?) Contact Eric (
- SKI SWAP is coming up November 13-15...the sale is Friday & Saturday, and volunteers are needed for any/all of the three days for various tasks! It’s both a fun and social event. It's a great time to stop by and meet other Newport parents & students while you help with our biggest fundraiser of the year.It is not too early to sign-up to volunteer.

Reflections Art Program
Is a National, Washington State and Loal PTA national art program that starts at the local school level K-12th grades. It is a cultural arts competition. The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. Each year, Reflections challenges students to create art that supports a specific theme. Art is submitted as visual art; music composition; literature; photography; film/video and/or dance. Art is judged at the local school level and the chosen work proceeds to be displayed and judged at the Council, State and National levels.

This year’s theme is “Beauty Is…..” Art that follows closest to the theme tends to get highest judging marks. Go to for entry form and guidelines. The art categories are visual arts; film/video; dance; photography; literature and music composition. The deadline for art submissions is November 20th, 2009. Students turn art entries into the Reflections Art Box in the office. Please have photographs and visual art mounted on foam board and in protective shrink wrap packaging, not laminated! Also please fill out entry forms completely, including artist’s statement and parent/student signatures! If you have any questions, please email Laura Adams Guy @

Community Service Hours
Students can now check their community service hours by going to the community service page of the PTSA website and enter their student


Parking Reminders & Student Pick Up/Drop off areas
- Please remind your student not to park at Newport Covenant Church. It is a designated park and ride and is not available for student parking.
- Need some guidance about how to pick-up or drop-off students? NHS has TWO designated areas for this (and neither of those are on the WEST side near the Gym! Parents cars are in the way of people who need to use visitor and handicap parking as well as creating a lot of congestion in the parking lot in the morning and afternoon. Please use the turn around by the flag pole (entrance off of Factoria Blvd) or the turn around by the baseball and softball fields (entrance off of Coal Creek).

Poinsettias for the Holidays
Want a beautiful poinsettia for the holidays? The Senior Party (Class of 2010) is selling them as a fund raiser for $15 each. Go to for an order form and more information. These are the largest and longest-lasting poinsettias I’ve found anywhere - they are that fabulous. They’re available in white, red, and pink. Wreaths are also available for $20

Winter Sports Packets
Winter Sport Packets are available for pick up. Gray folders for first time athletic participation this year. Orange repeat packet – if you played a fall sport. Winter Sport Packets are due in by November 6, 2009. First practices TBD.


College Visits at Newport:
10/26 2:30………Rice University
10/27 11:15……Cornish College (both lunches)
11:15……Northwestern University (both lunches)
11:15……Evanston (both lunches)
2:30……..Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
10/28 2:00……..Duke University
10/29 2:30…….Oregon State University
10:45…..Simmons College
10/30 11:15…..Montana State (1st lunch only)
11/05 2:30…….University of Oregon
11/09 2:30……Eastern Washington University
11/18 12:30….PNW College of Art


All School Play - You Can't Take It With You
Performances November 5-7th at NHS Performing Arts Center. More information regarding tickets and times to follow. Check out the drama website

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PSAT Reminder

Juniors: Remember to bring your calculator for the Super Wednesday PSAT on Wednesday, October 14th. Room assignments will be posted outside the main office on Monday (10/12) afternoon. Testing begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Tutorial is available from 11:30-12:30

Class Sweats - available for pick-up in room 2011 after school. Please have your student pick up their sweats as there is no space to store these in the classroom.

School Pictures - are still in the office...send your student in after the test!

Hall Decs - Thursday in the commons under the stairs 3:00-10:00 p.m. The ASB class officers have come up with some great ideas for the ESPN theme. Encourage your student to join in the fun.
Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Super Wednesday, Homecoming

Always a dilemma…..send information as it becomes available, and risk sending too often? Or wait to send information less frequently, but send looooong emails? Today’s is a long one...

Super Wednesday next week
Homecoming Week and Activities
Class Sweat distribution
Counseling News
UW Honors Program Information Sessions
Community Service opportunities
School Pictures
Newport Snowsports Swap Volunteers Needed
School Closure News and Updates
Newport High part of a study

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison


Super Wednesday Week
NOTE that Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are 7-period days!

Juniors: All juniors will take the PSAT in assigned classrooms. Room assignments will be posted in the hallways during the week of 10/12/09. Tutorial is available from 11:30 to 12:30.

Usually results are returned mid to late December. As far as signing up for the SAT it is recommended to sign up at least 2 months in advance for a SAT exam. Check out the college board website for more information regarding dates and locations.

Homecoming Week!
Don’t forget to dress up for Spirit Week October 12th – 16th! Hall Decs Thursday!

Monday – Tie Dye
Tuesday – Pirate vs. Ninja Day
Wednesday – Comfy Day (PJ’s & Sweats)
Thursday – ‘80s Day
Friday – Red & Gold Day

- The Homecoming Assembly, as well as the football game, will be on Friday, October 16th. Come support the Varsity football team and find out Royalty!

- Homecoming tickets will be available during lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and on Wednesday and Thursday after school. Tickets are $13 dollars each, and will not be sold on Friday, or at the door. If you are bringing a guest, please remember, guest passes are due on Wednesday at 3:15 pm. By now our kids should know to buy tickets the first day they are on sale. There is a ridiculous line on the final day.

- Homecoming Tailgate Join the fun at the Homecoming tailgate party and then cheer the Knights on to a victory over Eastlake! $8 each person for dinner only, cost of game is separate. Tickets will be available during lunch Oct 5th – 12th, in the Commons. Tickets to the can also be purchased online at .
Homecoming fun during both lunches next week! Come to the Lego Competition on Monday, Giant Twister on Tuesday, Rap Battle on Thursday, and Basketball Hoops competition on Friday!
Class Sweats - Available for pick up Tuesday, October 13th, room 2111, after school. It will be crowded so be patient!


Counseling News!

College Visits - You may already know that a number of colleges come to Newport for visits. The colleges and universities think it is important to send a representative to talk to Newport students to let them know what their school has to offer. These are small group (sometimes one on one) informal chats that take place in the conference rooms by the Counseling Center. The exception to the small group is when UW, WSU, and other large local schools visit. Those meetings will probably take place in the lecture hall, with less chance of one on one meetings. The representative is there to answer questions and provide whatever information a student needs. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to meet someone from the school, even if they are still in the information gathering stage of their college search.

Military Academies Visit
Representatives from the Air Force Academy, UWROTC, West Point, & Navy ROTC will be here on Monday, Oct. 12th, during both lunches in the large conference room in the main office.

College Information
The National Association for College Admission Counseling will host a National College Fair for sophomores, juniors and seniors on October 18th and 19th at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. See Ms. Owen in the counseling center for more information.

The GREATER SEATTLE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FAIR is planned for Tuesday, October 20, 2009 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Bellevue Christian High School. Admissions professionals representing over 40 U.S. and Canadian Christian colleges and universities will be at the fair to answer questions about Christian higher education. In addition to meeting with college and university representatives, students and families will have the opportunity to attend two different college prep workshops. For directions to Bellevue Christian, and a complete list of colleges and universities that will attend the college fair, go to Questions? Don’t hesitate to call 800.366.3344 or email

College Visits at Newport:
10/12 11:15…….USAFA/UWROTC (both lunches)
10/13 2:30……..Western Washington University
2:30…….Reed College
2:30…….Seattle Pacific University
10/14 12:30……McDaniel College
12:30……Willamette University
10/15 10:45…….Overland College (1st lunch only)
12:25…...Westmont College (2nd lunch only)
12:25.…..University Of Hawaii @ Minoa(2nd lunch only)
12:25……University of Pennsylvania (2nd lunch only)
10/16 12:10……Boston University (2nd lunch only)
10/19 2:30…..…NW Christian University
2:30……..Biola University
10/20 11:15……Boise State (1st lunch only)
12:10…...Bryn Mawr College (2nd lunch only)
2:30…..…University of Connecticut
2:30……..Case Western University
2:30……..Marymount College
10/21 12:30…...George Mason University
10/22 10:45……Colorado State University (both lunches)
10:45……Hamline (1st lunch only)
2:30……....Marymount Manhattan
2:30……..University of Denver
2:30……..University of Rochester
10/23 11:15…...American University (both lunches)
12:10…...University of Chicago (2nd lunch only)
11:15……Southern Methodist University
2:30……..Washington University in St. Louis
10/27 11:15……Cornish College (both lunches)
10/29 2:30…….Oregon State University
10:45…..Simmons College
11/05 2:30…….University of Oregon
11/09 2:30……Eastern Washington University

College Visits outside Newport High School – (see counseling center for more information)
October 15: National Christian College Fair
October 18: Penn University, Seattle Art Museum
October 20: Pepperdine University; Hyatt Regency Bellevue
October 27: Duke University, Renaissance Seattle


UW Honors Program Admission Information Nights

Considering applying to the UW Honors Program? You're invited to join the University Honors Program to learn how Honors enhances the UW experience and to have your questions answered by Honors students, staff, and faculty.

The Honors Information Evenings are designed to give you specific insight into the Honors Program, community, and application process. At this event, you'll have an opportunity to:

* Meet Honors students, faculty, and staff
* Get an overview of Honors education with perspectives from Honors advisers and a panel of current Honors students from different disciplines
* Walk through the Honors Program admissions process and timeline
* Learn about a variety of community and study abroad opportunities
* Ask all of your questions about what it's like to be a UW Honors student!

Please join us from 6:30-7:30 pm in Kane Hall 110 on the UW-Seattle campus
on one of the following dates:

* Monday, October 26
* Monday, November 9

As space is limited, please RSVP by October 12!

Brook Kelly
Academic Advisor &
Experiential Learning Coordinator
University Honors Program

UW Honors Program - Friday information sessions:

Wondering what it means to be in the University of Washington Honors
Program? Come to one of our information sessions on select Fridays from
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Room 206, Mary Gates Hall. Learn more about
Honors courses, requirements, and the application process. Please check
below for details and to register for a specific session.

* Oct. 23rd - Room 206, Mary Gates Hall
* Oct. 30th - Room 206, Mary Gates Hall
* Nov. 6th - Room 206, Mary Gates Hall
* Nov. 13th - Room 206, Mary Gates Hall
* Nov. 20th - Room 206, Mary Gates Hall

As space is limited, please RSVP for your desired Friday session. If you are unable to attend one of these sessions please email to schedule an appointment.


Community Service Opportunities
11/14: City of Bellevue, Stewardship Saturdays: care of City park resources
Contact: Christina Krueger @425-452-4195
12/19: City of Bellevue, Stewardship Saturdays: care of City park resources
Contact: Christina Krueger @425-452-4195

All pictures are now available in the main office, including ones taken on Make Up Day. There are many Junior pictures still in the office. I know because I looked today! Picture Retake day is October 21st. You must have your picture packet with you to get a retake.


Newport Snowsports Swap
It is not too early to sign-up to volunteer! Dates for the sale: Nov 13-14, 2009, Fri 5pm-9pm & Sat 8am-6pm

School closure news and updates

Worried about how you'll know if school is closed, especially when it's not snowing? In the unlikely event that we would have to close a school due to staff illness, there are now eight ways to stay informed. Take a moment to review the communication tools we are using to send out updates and select your preferred method. View and access our communication tools on-line at: or use the links below.

- BSD 24 Hour Newsline (425)456-4111
- BSD website
- BSD e-mail notification
- BSD reSource blog
- Local TV/Radio Stations
- SchoolReport
- Facebook
- Twitter


Newport High one of three in nation being studied

The Successful Practices Network, a national organization partnering with the Gates Foundation, has named Newport High as one of three model schools chosen out of an initial pool of 75, to participate in their final phase of a significant research study. “Researchers will visit the school to analyze how it develops and supports a culture of high expectations and student engagement.” According to the network’s board chair, the three schools “have figured out how to provide all students with a rigorous and relevant education that prepares them for postsecondary education, work and life.”


Friday, October 2, 2009

Academic Success Workshop

I was going to add this to my next email, then decided it is news on its own. Newport is offering a Student Academic Success Workshop - Space is limited to 15 more students on a first come first serve basis. Please contact Katie Klug by Monday, October 5th. See information below.

Don't forget - Future By Design, the district’s 6th annual college conference
Thursday, October 8th, 6:30-8:00 p.m at Newport All high school students and their parents are encouraged to attend. The full listing of breakout sessions can be found on our website:

No school on Friday, October 9th (Professional Day). Enjoy the 3 day weekend.

I am also doing some housekeeping to my email list. This message is sent to all parents of the Class of 2011 at Newport. If your student is no longer at Newport, let me know so I can remove you from the list. If you have any changes or additions, please let me know. If you are hearing from me for the first time, welcome! Past messages can be viewed on the blog. Your email address is in the bcc line to preserve your privacy. All requests for removal cheerfully honored. I am missing about 20 email addresses for parents/students out of a class of almost 400! . If you know someone that is not receiving my email, please forward my message to them and have them contact me and I will add them to the list!

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison


Attention all Parents! Space is Still Available! Student Academic Success Workshop Coming In October!

- Could your student benefit from additional academic support?

- Could they benefit from strategies and techniques that would help them be successful in all of their classes?

If the answer to these questions is “YES”, then please sign your student up for the Student Academic Success Workshop Series!

At Newport High School it is our goal to provide our students with the necessary support so that ALL students have the ability to be successful. With that as our focus, we have designed a series of four workshops in October to teach students strategies and techniques to help them better access and comprehend the content in their classes.


October 6th – General Study Strategies
Techniques for maximizing your study time
Test Taking Tips
Time Management Strategies

October 13th – Reading Strategies
Techniques to increase your reading comprehension
Tips to connect your textbook reading to the content covered in class.

October 20th – Math Strategies
Tips to increase your success in math class
Techniques to help you work effectively in collaborative math groups
Learn where to find additional resources to support your success in math

October 27th – Writing Strategies
Learn techniques to improve your writing style
Tips for citing your sources in MLA style

ALL WORKSHOPS WILL BE IN ROOM 1113 from 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

Students who sign-up are making a commitment to attend ALL FOUR Workshops.

To sign your student up for the Student Academic Success Workshop series e-mail Katie Klug in the main office at or call 425-456-7451. Please ENROLL by Monday, October 5th! Space is limited so sign up now! Looking forward to seeing your student at this upcoming event!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Open House follow-up!

As we head into October, I just wanted to follow-up with some information from last week's presentation at Open House and a couple of other items of interest. I have attached the Junior Parent presentation from Open House. It is a Power Point document. If you can't open the document, it will be posted on the counseling website soon.

SAT Practice Test Opportunity-NJHS
Super Wednesday
College Conference
College Information/Visits

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Are you ready for the SAT? Don't miss your chance to get some help for this important test. Sign up today for the Newport SAT PRACTICE TEST brought to you by NHS National Honor Society! This is held right here at Newport High School on Saturday, October 3rd. Practice test only $35. 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Check it out at, Reserve your spot now!

Newport's Honor Society is sponsoring a fundraiser with SAT Prep Inc. A discounted 6 class course & practice test will be offered in February and March. A portion of the registration fees goes to support students at Newport. Contact Helene Tate if you have any questions. You can find forms and additional information at the PTSA website under Communications - Juniors. Next available class Feb/Mar and Mar/April.

Super Wednesday, October 14
All juniors will take the PSAT in assigned classrooms. Room assignments will be posted in the hallways during the week of 10/12/09. Tutorial is available from 11:30 to 12:30. Schedule for the week is below.

Future by Design College Conference
The district’s 6th annual college conference will be presented on October 7 and 8, 6:30-8:00 p.m., at Interlake and Newport, respectively. All high school students and their parents are encouraged to attend. Pick the date and location that works best for you. The full listing of breakout sessions can be found on our website:

Volunteers needed: We are looking for student volunteers for the College Conference at Newport on Thursday, October 8th from 4:30-8:30 pm. If you are interested in earning 4 hours of community service please come to the counseling center or main office to sign up or for additional information.

College Information
College visits are listed in the daily bulletin and also posted in the counseling center. If a college visit that your student is interested in attending happens to take place during a class period then the student should check in with the teacher and come down with a note and the counseling center will give them a pass at the end of the presentation.

The National Association for College Admission Counseling will host a National College Fair for sophomores, juniors and seniors on October 18th and 19th at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. See Ms. Owen in the counseling center for more information.

9/30 12:30…..Tufts University
12:30…..Central Washington University
10/01 10:45……University of Puget Sound (1st lunch only)
2:30…….University of the Pacific
10/05 11:15……University of Washington – Bothell (both lunches)
12:10…...Gonzaga University (2nd lunch only)
2:30………University of Portland
2:30………Yale University
10/06 11:15…...Carnegie Mellon (1st lunch only)
10/07 2:00.….…Duke University
2:00……..Lehigh University
10/08 12:25…….Linfield College
2:30….…..Occidental College
2:30….….University of British Columbia
2:30……..Washington State University
10/12 11:15…….USAFA/UWROTC (both lunches)
10/13 2:30……..Western Washington University
2:30…….Reed College
2:30…….Seattle Pacific University
10/14 12:30……McDaniel College
12:30……Willamette University
10/15 10:45…….Overland College (1st lunch only)
12:25…...Westmont College (2nd lunch only)
12:25.…..University Of Hawaii @ Minoa(2nd lunch only)
12:25……University of Pennsylvania (2nd lunch only)
10/16 12:10……Boston University (2nd lunch only)
10/19 2:30…..…NW Christian University
2:30……..Biola University
10/20 11:15……Boise State (1st lunch only)
12:10…...Bryn Mawr College (2nd lunch only)
2:30…..…University of Connecticut
2:30……..Case Western University
2:30……..Marymount College
10/21 12:30…...George Mason University
10/22 10:45……Colorado State University (both lunches)
10:45……Hamline (1st lunch only)
2:30……....Marymount Manhattan
2:30……..University of Denver
2:30……..University of Rodchester
10/23 11:15…...American University (both lunches)
12:10…...University of Chicago (2nd lunch only)
11:15……Southern Methodist University
2:30……..Washington University in St. Louis
10/27 11:15……Cornish College (both lunches)
10/29 2:30…….Oregon State University
10:45…..Simmons College
11/05 2:30…….University of Oregon
11/09 2:30……Eastern Washington University

College Visits outside Newport High School – (see counseling center for more information)
September 29: Columbia University, The Bush School
October 4: Tufts University, Seattle Center
Yale University, Seattle Art Museum
Washington and Lee University, Residence Inn; Bellevue
October 15: National Christian College Fair
October 18: Penn University, Seattle Art Museum
October 20: Pepperdine University; Hyatt Regency Bellevue
October 27: Duke University, Renaissance Seattle