Saturday, December 20, 2008

With the weather forecast for the upcoming week, I have doubts that the kids will be back in school before January 5th.

Please continue to watch the news and for updates.

For those of you with sweat orders that were not picked up. They will be in the office when we return.

Wishing all of you the happiest of holidays.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class Liaison 2011
Mark your calendars-upcoming 2009 dates:
First Semester Finals Schedule
Parent Information Nights
BSF News


January 28
7:30 – 8:10
January 28
8:15 – 10:15
January 28
10:15 – 10:25
January 28
10:30 – 12:30

January 29
7:30 – 9:30
January 29
9:30 – 9:35
January 29
9:40 – 11:40
January 29
11:40 – 12:25
5a & 5b
January 29
12:30 – 2:30
January 29
2:30 – 3:00

January 30
January 30
January 30
January 30
0 and make-ups
January 30
January 30

Parent Information Nights 09-10 school year:
11th grade parent night for next year's Juniors (that's us) will be at Newport on February 12th at 7:00 p.m. Counselors will present by grade-level information for parents about registration for the 09-10 school year.

8th grade parent night for incoming 9th graders will be at Newport on February 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the theater. Please pass this on to anyone that has an incoming 9th grader from Tyee, Tillicum or private schools that live within our school boundary.

Bellevue Schools Foundation News:

Looking for a meaningful way to honor a teacher this holiday season?

Thank your favorite teacher with a gift to Bellevue Schools Foundation in their honor. We'll send your teacher a holiday card notifying them of your support and appreciation. Meanwhile, your gift will join with others to support great teaching across the District!

It's quick, it's green, and it helps Bellevue students while thanking excellent teachers!

Honor your teacher with a gift to BSF
Click here to give

Simply click here to make a secure online donation on behalf of a teacher - and honor your favorite teacher while making a difference in Bellevue schools.

Teachers Matter: Why BSF Funds National Board Certification

Congratulations to the 79 Bellevue teachers who just achieved National Board Certification (NBC), a rigorous benchmark of teaching excellence! See the list of newly-certified teachers here.

Why does National Board Certification matter? Studies show that NBC teachers are more effective and their students learn more. Read about National Board Certification in Bellevue here.

With 5 years of funding from BSF, Bellevue now has 208 Board-certified teachers, more than any other district in Washington State! With extra support and mentoring funded by BSF and the district, Bellevue teachers achieve certification at a rate over twice the national average.

BSF is proud to continue supporting Bellevue teachers with a $190,000 grant to provide mentors and cover fees for 77 more teachers pursuing National Board Certification this year.

Thank you for supporting Bellevue students!

Bellevue Schools Foundation raises funds to promote and help fund the best possible learning opportunities for all students in the Bellevue School District.

Learn more about the programs BSF is funding this year at Sign up to receive BSF updates here!

A message from Bethany Spinler, Newport Principal,

Every year when the holidays approach, we see grateful and thoughtful parents and community members want to find ways to express their appreciation to our teachers and other employees for their work by giving gifts to the individuals they know. Gifts that are of a nominal value or which are a token remembrance or appreciation are fine, but the acceptance of gifts of significant value or monetary benefit is not allowed. Often parents, especially if their work experience has been in the private sector, are not aware that gifts to publicly-paid employees are not permitted or appropriate.

For our employees, gifts that are beyond a nominal value raise serious questions about equity between and among schools/programs, about why some employees in some roles get gifts and others do not, about a violation of board policy that disallows gifts, and about the propriety of substantial gifts being given for public service. Therefore, the giving of expensive gifts to individuals must be strongly discouraged. When the value of a gift to a person gets beyond $25.00 it is can well be considered to be more than a token gift or expression of appreciation – but even gifts of that size are not to be encouraged.

If parents or others wish to provide more than a token of gratitude to an individual employee, they can make donations to a specific classroom (but not something that could be considered the teacher's personal property), they can donate to a school or program, they can make a contribution to the Bellevue Schools Foundation, the PTSA, or other charity in recognition of an employee's work, and/or they can do something for the entire school's or program's benefit. Sometimes vendors will want to give a school, office, or program a box of candy or fruit that can be jointly shared with everyone, and that is acceptable (assuming not something unusually expensive) and so long as no particular individual is singled out as the sole recipient or benefit.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Legislative News, PTA Focus Day

Just a quick note regarding Education Funding and PTSA Focus Day in Olympia. Please take the time to read the information below.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Support Education Funding and Finance Reform

Are you concerned about education funding in our state? Here's a way you can get involved today!

It's as easy as a few keystrokes. Important work is being done right now by our elected officials to prepare for the next legislative session. We urge you to take action today by sending an important message to the Governor and your legislators using our Legislative Action center. Follow the link below to our action center. Then scroll over and click on the title "Support Education Funding and Finance Reform". This is the link to the alert. A preprinted message has been included. You are encouraged to add a personal story as well.

We also strongly encourage you to forward this message with the link to your member and non-member email lists (anyone who supports our message is encouraged to respond)...taking care not to include any government email addresses.

We have set a goal of sending 40,000 emails! That's right we want 10,000 of you and your friends from every legislative district in the state to send messages to their three legislators and the Governor. The system has already been set up to generate all four, so all you need to do is add just a bit to the one prewritten message. It's so easy! Try it yourself, then pass it on to a friend. Let's see what kind of an impact we can make in one week. I will provide updates over the next week so that we can all monitor our progress.


On February 26, 2009, Washington State PTA is sponsoring its annual Focus Day activities. This is the day that PTA members across the state gather in Olympia to "focus" on the child advocacy issues that were selected at Legislative Assembly.

This is an unusually important year for parents to participate. Our Legislative representatives have been given the task of revamping our educational system--primarily the way in which it is funded. It has been obvious for years that the funding amount has been inadequate (districts have to raise levy money to provide basics) but even more obvious that the funds are unfairly distributed. Combine the ever-growing needs of our underfunded educational system with the current budget crisis and one simply cannot deny the need to keep our legislators FOCUSED on our kids.

Focus Day this year will take on a different form than in years past. This year, the main activity will be a massive rally on the Capital steps at noon. We need every body possible to attend for this easy, fun, and effective advocating party.

Organize car pools--we need at least four cars of four people from every school. Drive to Olympia, rally on the steps, drive back home. How easy can it get?

Bellevue PTSA Council also has rented two busses for the day. The trip is free to Bellevue PTA members and almost free to other Council members. We will leave at about 9:30 on February 26th from the old K Mart parking lot on 148th and return there by 3 or 3:30.

Reservations are required for the bus. Contact me with the names and e-mail addresses of those who will be riding the bus. I need to have these names by the first part of February. Questions? Contact: Connie Gerlitz (, Bellevue Council and Region 2Legislative Chair

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December News!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. A busy start to December as we head into the holidays!

Julie Rooney

AP Test Registration

AP World History Parent Night

Spirit Week

NHS Culinary Cookie Fest

Tolo! Tolo! Tolo!

Open Field Soccer

Knights In Vienna Auditions

Winter Orchestra & Choir Concert


AP Test Registration

All students taking an AP exam in the spring will need to register for the test(s) online Students must register for their AP Exams online between December 1st and December 5th.

You will pay for your tests starting next Monday, to the Accountant, Mrs. Pierson. You do NOT pay online. Financial assistance is available. if you need scholarship forms or have questions, come to the main office.

AP World History Parent Night
Wednesday, December 10th, 7:00 p.m. NHS (location TBD). A night for parents to hear the AP World teachers suggest tips to help their students be successful. Look for more info from your student.

Spirit Week - December 8-12th
Everyday will be a different theme with the Winter Sport Assembly (Red & Gold) on Friday!

NHS Cookie Fest
Thursday, December 11th 4-7 p.m.
Dozens of varieties of cookies made by Newport's finest young chefs. Proceeds support the Newport Knives Culinary Competition Team
Tolo Info
Every year, there are kids attending Tolo for the first time….and of course we have lots of new families….so here's some info to help your student with planning their evening. Tolo will be on Saturday, December 13th, 9:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m.:

Tolo info from the Newport Dictionary: A formal dance held at school in early December. Girls generally ask the boys. Often the girls pay for the dance tickets, dinner, and any day activities planned by the couple. The boys pay for photos, transportation, and dessert. If the costs of the school-related aspects of Tolo (tickets, photos) are a financial hardship for your family, please see a school counselor or administrator about financial aid. Dinner, dessert, and day activities are not part of the school event.

Guest passes (for dates who aren't Newport students) must be fully filled out and turned in by December 10th by 3:00 p.m. No late passes will be accepted. Forms are available on the Newport website, under Activities or can be picked up in the main office. Guests must have a ticket and an ID card to enter the dance.

Tickets are on sale: Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th next week. Come buy your tickets during lunch in the commons. $13 per ticket. Please encourage your daughters to buy early!

Tolo Corsages and Boutonnieres: Show your support for the Invisible Children and purchase a commemorative ribbon corsage or boutonnière for Tolo. Orders will be taken during lunch on Thursday and Friday this week and Monday through Thursday next week. Pick up will be on Friday, December 12th. Save a flower and spend $10 for a good cause. Proceeds will benefit Invisible Children and Class of 2010 grad party.

Chaperones needed! We still need about 15 more. If you or anyone you might know that could help, please contact Mr. James at And for all those who already said that they could help, thank you so much! We'll see you at 8:15 that night!



Knights in Vienna

The Newport Orchestras are seeking talented student musicians to feature at their annual "Knights in Vienna" event to be held on January 17. If you play an instrument or sing, and have pieces you could perform that would be suitable to an evening of dancing, music and great food, then clear your schedule for AUDITIONS! Thursday, December 11th, starting after school in room 1225. Pick up audition applications in the Main Office; they're due Monday, Dec. 8.


Winter Music Concert

All Orchestra and Choirs will be performing Wednesday, December 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the NHS Performing Arts Center

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November New and Activities!

It is hard to believe it is November! A busy week of activities and deadlines ahead. Don't forget to get out and vote!

Senior Grad Knight Poinsettia Fundraiser
Arsenic and Old Lace - School Play
Volunteers Needed - Ski Swap & BSF Phone-A-thon
Next PTSA Meeting
Yearbook Photos needed
2011 Class Sweats
Sports News
Magazines for Dawn Appel
PTSA Membership

Julie Rooney

This email is sent to all parents of Newport's Class of 2011. Requests for removal promptly honored. All names put in the BCC line to protect your privacy. Past messages available at the blog address in my signature line. Messages are a service of our PTSA.
Senior Party/Grad Knight Poinsettias – Deadline this Friday
Don't delay, the deadline for ordering the poinsettias is this Fri, Nov 7th. For $15 each you will receive beautiful poinsettias while supporting the Newport seniors (we'll want others to support us next year!) Go to the website to order
Who is buried in the cellar?
Come find out as you watch the hilarious production of "Arsenic and Old Lace." Performances are this Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 in the Newport Theatre. Tickets can be purchased at lunch or at the door before the performance. Tickets are $5.00 dollars for students and $6.00 for adults.
PTSA Volunteers Needed!
Ski Swap

The annual Ski Swap at Newport is Saturday, November 8, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sunday, November 9, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you have something to sell, go to school on Friday, November 7, between 3:30 to 6:00. All unsold gear must be picked up Sunday evening.
Students who would like to earn some Community Service hours or to get first pick of gear should go to and sign up for whatever shifts and jobs they want. Parent volunteers are also welcome and needed!

BSF Phonathon
There is a dire need of volunteers for the Bellevue Schools Foundation Phonathon on Tuesday November 11th and Wednesday November 12th from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. Students will receive up to 5 hours of community service (and everyone gets free pizza)! For more information, and to sign up as a volunteer, contact Karen Tokita at (425) 277-1707 . You may also sign up in the office. Volunteers who can speak more than one language are particularly valuable. Please consider helping out if you can speak a second language. Parent volunteers are also welcome!

BSF funds a variety of programs to increase rigor and support students throughout the district. This year, BSF has paid for the new K-5 math curriculum and the new science curriculum in grades 6-10. BSF also funds "Bridging the Achievement Gap" grants for students who need extra academic support in schools with high poverty and significant English language learner populations. BSF also funds National Board certification for teachers so that our students learn from highly qualified teachers. The Bellevue School District has twice as many National Board Certified teachers as the district with the next highest number. Let's help BSF continue these remarkable programs.
Next PTSA Board Meeting
Next board meeting (open to all): Monday, November 24 at 7:00. Please mark your calendars NOW.
Yearbook Photo Emergency
The Yearbook still needs photos submissions for community service, club sports, extreme sports and homecoming Night! The deadline has passed and they need photos now! Send photos or contact Kim Driscoll
2011 Class Sweats still available!
We have limited inventory available for purchase (first come, first serve). Great idea for gifts for the holidays! Please let me know if you are interested and we can make arrangements for pick up:
Sweatshirts $35: 2-SM, 2-MED
Sweatpants $24: 1-SM, 6 MED, 2-LG, 4-XL
T-Shirts $18: 3-MED, 1-LG, 1-XXL
Shorts $25: 2-LG, 1-XL
Sports News!
Winter Sport Packets – Due this Friday!

First time gray packets (if this is the first time you have played a sport this year) and yellow "repeat" packets (if you are were already in a fall sport this year) are available outside the ASB secretary's office. They are due back by Fri, Nov 7th.

Boys Basketball
Mandatory Boys Basketball meeting this Thursday, November 6th after school at 3:05 in the Boys Locker Room!!

Newport Fastpitch
Attention all softball players! For those interested in trying out for the 2009 Spring season, there will be an informational meeting on Friday, November 14th in the Commons at 3:00.

PE Waivers
The NHS sports website has all the details for using a sport in place of a PE credit. The form your student will need is attached.
Winter sports athletes take note: it must be given to the coach by the second week of the sport.

Winter Sports Kickoff
Tuesday, November 25th at 7pm NHS Main Gym. Anna Cummins Mickelson, Olympic Gold Medalist and Newport Graduate will be speaking. Parents, Athletes and Coaches are encouraged to attend.
Magazines for Dawn Appel
From our Staff:
In the mailroom you may notice a blue box on the table labeled "Magazines for Appel." To which you may ask, "What is this box?"
Dawn, my wife, was diagnosed with leukemia a touch over a year ago. She's in bed for a big chunk of the day. She passes time by reading a lot of magazines. If you have any that you're done with feel free to drop them in the box. I'll bring them home to her. If you'd like them back just put a note on them and I'll bring 'em back. If you see some magazines in there that you'd like just shoot me an e-mail. When she's done I'll bring it to you. (I chuckled last year when I saw a People magazine in there, forgot to bring it home and then it was gone the next day.) She'll be going in for a bone marrow transplant sometime in the near future (maybe in a month) and that might include 100 days in the hospital, so she'll definitely need a bunch o' magazines. If you'd like to check on her progress we've set up a blog for her. It is
Thanks so much for all of the magazines last year and all of the magazines this year.

Casey (Physics teacher)
PTSA Membership
The emails I send you are a service provided by Newport's PTSA. The Class Liaisons are happy to provide this service whether or not parents become members of our PTSA. We want everyone to be informed and feel welcome in our Newport community.

Besides sending these emails, our PTSA provides the newsletter, Knightline, which is mailed to your home seven times each school year. We sponsor the Knight Valor program, which encourages students to complete 100 hours of Community Service before graduation. We also give classroom grants to teachers, assist students in need, manage the annual Reflections arts program, publish a student phone directory, coordinate staff appreciation events, and work with the other schools in Bellevue to support the staff and students of Robinswood. Membership fees ensure that our volunteers receive training specific to their committee work and that our leaders are fully prepared to successfully manage a large non-profit here in the State of Washington.

Membership is also one way of quantifying Newport's parent involvement. Right now we have 912 members and about 1642 students. That's a membership rate of about 56%. Wouldn't it be great to say we have 100%? Because we know we have 100% parent involvement! Please take time now to consider joining Newport's PTSA to support all the great services it provides. I have attached the membership form to this email. You may drop the completed membership form at the office with your check, or mail it to the Newport PTSA at the address on the form.

Thank you very much for your support of Newport's PTSA.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Special edition of Homecoming & other news…..

Once again, there is just too much going on!! I am trying to keep the number of emails sent to a weekly email. And one more thing – PLEASE be sure to vote November 4th, whether you send in an absentee ballot or hit the polls.

Homecoming - Spirit Week
Link Crew Tailgate Party
Yearbook Photos Needed
PTSA Meeting
School Pictures
College Conference
Class of 2011 Senior Party/Fundraising Meeting
Winter Sports Info
Student Behavior-Factoria Restaurants
Open Houses - Winter Driving
State PTSA News

Julie Rooney
Newport PTSA Liaison Class of 2011


Homecoming - Spirit Week - October 20th-24th "Knights Through Time"

Dress up themes: Monday – Pajama Jam; Tuesday - Neon Day; Wednesday - Color Wars - Sophomores wear purple; Thursday - Animal Print Day; Friday - Red and Gold Day.

Ticket sales:
The Homecoming Dance is October 25th.
Tickets will be on sale these days ONLY: October 21 (Tuesday), October 22 (Wednesday) after school, and October 23 (Thursday) both lunches and after school. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ON FRIDAY OR AT THE DOOR! All tickets are $13. Guest passes must be turned in by 3:15 on Wednesday, October 22.

Do I need to repeat that it's best to buy tickets on Tuesday? Or Wednesday? And completely insane to try to buy them on Thursday?

Want to chaperone the dance? Let me know.
Hall Decs
A note from our ASB officers regarding hall decs - Since our theme is Colonial America we have most of the big items we need, but if kids could bring in any "colonial" things that they would be willing to put into the hall decs that would be great. We're planning on making the area look like a big ship, then having a tea party inside, and maybe some couches. If anybody has fake candles, tea sets, chairs and tables, and other things like that it would be great.

Students are always needed to spend Thursday afternoon/evening at school working on "Hall Decs." They can drop in anytime to help. Parents who drop by with water and snacks make the kids happy.

Link Crew Tailgate party
Link Crew is hosting a tailgate party prior to Friday's Homecoming game. The party starts at 5:00 pm on October 24 and goes until just before the game starts. Freshmen pay $3 and it's $4 for everyone else. The menu includes hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, salad, and drinks. Students may purchase tickets during lunch this week.

Yearbook/Annual Photos Needed
I have it on good authority that the annual is eager to receive more student life photos for the following sections:

Now and then, Hobbies and talents, Community service and Senior Friends photos, but we are still accepting photos for other topics as well.

The photo deadline has been extended to October 23rd. Submit photos to Kimberly Driscoll or put them in her mailbox in the main office.

PTSA General Meeting, MONDAY, October 20th 7:00 p.m. Newport High School Library

This important meeting will determine some fundamental rules for our organization for the current year. Including approving the PTSA budget and adopting the Standing Rules. We will hear from student's about life at Newport and you can ask questions about all the things you can't ask your kid (or they won't tell you!)

School Pictures
Packets are available to pick up in the office, whether you had them taken in August or on Picture makeup day.
Picture Retakes will be on October 22nd in the commons. You need to bring your picture packet with you.
College Conference
October 22, 2008 from 6:00 – 8:30, Sammamish High School

Session Workshop highlights:
Choosing a College Financial Aid
College Entrance Tests Admission Process for Selective Colleges
Finding Your Passion – Career Exploration Planning for College Life
Community and Technical College Info. Special Needs Admission
Public University Trends NCAA Athletic Clearing House
Writing the College Essay

Class of 2011 Senior Class Party/Fundraising meeting
Monday, October 27th, 7:00 p.m. in the Commons

Please join us for our first meeting. It is important to hear the ideas and suggestions of a variety of parents as we begin, whether you plan to volunteer on the committee or not. We are looking for a Co-Chair for Fundraising as well as Chairs for the Senior Class Party. Please feel free to contact me or Cindy Hastings with any questions.

Winter Sport Packets
First time gray packets (if this is the first time you have played a sport this year) and yellow "repeat" packets (if you are were already in a fall sport this year) are available outside the ASB secretary's office. They are due back by November 7th, 2008.

Winter Sports Kick Off - Save the Date:
Tuesday, November 25th, 7:00 p.m. NHS Main Gym
Anna Cummins (formerly Mickelson) Olympic Gold Medalist and Newport Graduate
Parents, Athletes and Coaches should all attend

Student Behavior in Factoria Restaurants

The volunteers who visit restaurants in Factoria to ask for donated food for our Ski Swap have received some feedback they wanted to share with parents. It's kind of awkward. A few restaurants - Red Robin, Goldberg's, Romio's specifically but there are probably others - have commented that the students who come in on Wednesday afternoons treat their servers poorly and then leave without tipping. This is, as you can imagine, affecting their generosity when it comes to giving us food for the Ski Swap. And we have enough trouble prying donations out of local businesses as it is. We're hopeful that with parent support our community restaurants will see improved behavior in the coming months. I'd also like to think all that hard work I did as a Walkabout Volunteer in the cafeteria at Tyee hasn't gone to waste!!!

Open Houses offer information on winter driving

To help residents prepare for winter driving, especially those who live in south Bellevue neighborhoods more frequently impacted by snow and ice, The City of Bellevue events, in partnership with AAA Washington will hold open houses on the following dates:

* Oct. 22 at Somerset Elementary School Library, 14100 Somerset Blvd. S.E.
* Nov. 5 at Somerset Elementary School Library, 14100 Somerset Blvd. S.E.
* Nov. 19 at Lewis Creek Park Visitor Center, 5808 Lakemont Blvd.

The open houses will offer written materials, a video on winter road conditions in Bellevue, free ice scrapers and city staff available to answer questions. This year, Bellevue is again taking part in a state and national campaign called "Ice and Snow, Take it Slow." It's an effort to raise awareness about driving safely under poor road conditions.

For further information about winter driving, visit the City of Bellevue website (>) and click on the orange and blue "Extreme Weather Response" button on the right side of the page.

In addition to a Snow/Ice page ( with driving tips and a snow response priorities map, the Extreme Weather Response pages contain extensive informa tion on topics such as power outages, storm debris and garbage collection, and important phone numbers.

State PTA News
The Washington State PTA is pleased to announce that its premier
parent involvement magazine, "The Child Advocate" is now available as
an online membership benefit available to all 150,000 PTA members
statewide. To see the latest online issue of The Child Advocate, click on this
link or clip and paste it into the address bar of your browswer:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Senior Information

I know it seems like it's years off in the future, but our kids will be Seniors one day. I am sending this now as there can be confusion about the many activities that take place at the end of Senior Year, and because planning must begin soon for our Senior Party, I thought I would attempt to explain some of it now.

And knowing that you will have questions regarding the Senior Party (and fundraising), a Senior Party Committee meeting for interested parents is scheduled for Monday, October 27th in the Commons at Newport High School at 7:00 p.m. (More information below).

Julie Rooney
PTSA Liaison Class of 2011

-The Senior Party
-Prom & Graduation
-Senior Awards Night
The Senior Party
The Senior Party is 100% sponsored/financed/planned/executed by the Senior Party Committee of Newport's PTSA. That's us, folks. The Senior Party is a safe, extremely well supervised, all-night party immediately following graduation. As hard as this may be to believe today, our kids will feel incredibly close to one another the week of graduation and will eagerly embrace this one last chance to be together.

The party can be very expensive. Imagine a wedding for 200 people where you serve dinner, provide music, and provide enough atmosphere to keep guests interested. Now double the guest list, add a second meal, and you can see that this can cost some serious coin. Upwards of $40,000, if past parties are any indication. The costs per attendee can range from $150 - $175, depending on how many kids attend. Tickets to the Senior Party generally go for about $100 -$125 and the Senior Party committee generally makes full or partial scholarships available for students unable to pay. Fund raising covers the difference, as well as parents who will just pay the estimated cost of the party.

So we need to begin fundraising as early as possible. Our Fundraising Co-Chair is Cindy Hastings (and she is looking for a willing co-chair), and I have set a meeting so that you can start getting involved in how we will proceed. (That would be at the meeting on October 27th, 7:00 p.m. NHS Commons).

I encourage you to be very responsive in these early days of planning. We will have some decisions to make right off the bat. Do we want a party that pricey? Do we want to do lots of fundraising to keep ticket prices low, or do we want to have higher ticket prices & do less work?? It's important to hear the ideas and suggestions of a variety of parents as we begin, whether you plan to volunteer on the committee or not. So when you see notice of meetings, please try to join us. I'll do my best to keep you all informed.
Baccalaureate is the other event sponsored entirely by Newport's PTSA. Baccalaureate is an inspirational, uplifting, and often very moving presentation that celebrates where students have been and where they are going. Students are invited to speak and perform music of their own choosing. Attendance is optional for students & their families.

The question everyone asks about Baccalaureate is this: "Is it a religious ceremony?" By definition it is a religious ceremony, but in practice, the answer depends on how it has been planned & what selections the students will sing or read. Sometimes there's religious content, and sometimes there isn't. Mostly students talk about the challenges they've faced and the road they see ahead of them. It's always touching and a wee bit emotional.

And because it's a PTSA event, there are treats afterwards.

Prom & Graduation
These are truly the "main events." Both are sponsored by the school, and paid for out of the funds raised by our students (ASB) throughout their high school years. Money made by selling class sweats & putting on events such as Homecoming go toward both Prom and Graduation. Our current ASB officers have some very good ideas that they are considering for fundraising and now that we have a class advisor, ASB is ready to move forward.

We have held Graduation at many venues over the past several years. Right now, the administration has worked out a deal to hold the ceremony at Meydenbauer Center for the next few years. This is really an excellent place for our graduation – it's close by, it accommodates guests in wheelchairs, and has enough space for our crowd.
Graduation features two student speakers and two faculty speakers – in both cases, one speaker is chosen by the students and one by the staff. Students chosen to perform musically are selected in an audition held in the Spring of Senior year. They all do an excellent job.

The students who are elected as Senior Class Officers and ASB officers at the end of our kids' junior years will be the ones who do the bulk of the planning for the Prom. They'll do all the footwork to choose a suitable venue (based on what they can afford!) and make all other arrangements. They are ready to take this on and execute a great event.
Senior Awards Night
Every year Newport's graduating class includes dozens of scholarship winners and academic achievers who deserve special recognition. The school could truly spend days honoring them all, but some of you might not have time for that. Instead, we have a lovely evening of awards. Students who will be honored are invited to attend. There is often a musical performance. This is also a school sponsored event.

Honorees are listed in the final edition of the Knightline each year. The PTSA awards cover four pages. You can see the list of last year's honorees at Click on "Knightline" and check out the June 2008 issue.

The "President's Education Award" is given to all students who have earned a 3.5 GPA or higher AND attained an SAT score in the 85th percentile or higher. At Newport, this is a very large group of students.

An even larger group – 123 of them last year - earns "Washington State Honors" which is bestowed on students who finish in the top 10% of all Washington students for the year based on GPA and SAT/ACT scores.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Band Contest, Class Sweats, Super Wednesday & More

Band Contest Vote today!
Class Sweats
Super Wednesday
College Recruiting Seminar
Classroom Bucks
Ski Swap Volunteers Needed
Bellevue Parks Levy
Town Hall Meeting

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class Liaison 2011

Band Contest (vote as many times as you want)
Recently our marching band entered a contest sponsored by KIRO Radio. We arranged the required tune "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee, and recorded it for submission into this contest. If we win the contest, Seattle Seahawk's Blue Thunder Drumline will come to Newport and play for our Homecoming game! We really want to win.

We need every parent, student, co-worker, community member (virtually anyone who owns an email account and who is willing log in) to go to and vote. This is the KIRO website. The show that will be hosting the contest is called "Too Beautiful to Live" or TBTL. It is on from 7:00-10:00pm weeknights. The voting started Tuesday and continues through noon on October 10th. You will be able to access the voting mechanism from their show page (just scroll down on the homepage, on the right side there's a picture of Luke and it links to the showpage) and from the "Events and Contests" page.


Class Sweats
Class Sweats will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, October 14th after school at 12:40. Be listening to the announcements for the location.


It is time again for the craziness! Homecoming Week is October 20th-24th with the Homecoming Dance on October 25th. There will be themes for each day, Hall Decs on Thursday, the Homecoming Assembly on Friday the 24th and the Varsity football game vs. Issaquah on Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Newport. More information to come as we get closer.

Homecoming Ticket Sales - Tickets will be on sale these days ONLY: October 21 (Tuesday), October 22 (Wednesday) after school, and October 23 (Thursday) both lunches. If your student is bringing a guest, the completed form must be turned in by Wednesday, Oct 22nd at 3:15. No late forms will be accepted, and the office will not fax or receive faxes of these forms. The student must then present the pass received in the office to the Ticket Sale table. The guest must present a valid ticket and a school ID card at the door. Please help your student understand this process.

Want to chaperone the dance? Let me know.


Super Wednesday
Super Wednesday is on October 15. The modified schedule for the week of October 13th is listed at the bottom of the email.

Sophomores will take the PLAN assessment. Room assignments will be posted in the hallways. Tutorial is available from 11:30 to 12:30


If you would like to take the PSAT the practice SAT please pay the Newport accountant $20 by October 10th. The PSAT will be on Saturday, October 18th at Odle Middle School.


College Recruiting Process Seminar

Free Admission -Monday Oct. 13, 2008, 7:00 PM, Bellevue HS Main Gym
‧ Scott Brayton – Presenter
‧ Parents and Athletes both welcome to attend
‧ Learn the latest about the college athletic recruiting process.


Classroom Bucks

Thanks to all of you who generously donated to the Classroom Bucks fundraiser. For those of you who did not attend Open House and would still like make a donation, a flyer is attached. Every dollar you give goes directly to a Newport classroom.


SKI SWAP: Save the Dates! Volunteers Needed!
The Newport Snowsports Ski Swap is quickly approaching and we have many open time slots for you and your friends/family members to sign up and help us during the Ski Swap.

The event occurs Saturday and Sunday, November 8th and 9th, at Newport HS. We have time slots from Friday afternoon through Monday available!!
- Friday afternoon/evening is Swap Set up
- Saturday and Sunday is the actual Swap event
- Sunday afternoon/evening is the Swap Take down
- Monday reconciliation (not open to public)

This is a great way to meet other parents and friends, have your teenager earn community service credit for BSD/Knights Valor ..and more!
Please register via the Web site: and click on the Volunteer tab in the left margin!
We hope you can find time to volunteer in some capacity. Parents and students who get involved, seem to have an incredibly fun time every year!
Bellevue Parks Levy

Community Activists John Stokes and Karen Roper made a presentation to PTSA Board Members urging Bellevue residents to vote YES on the Bellevue Parks Levy (Proposition 1) that will be the last item on the November 4th ballot. This replaces a 20 year old levy to maintain and improve the Bellevue Parks and Open Space System. For more information go to:


Town Hall Meeting

Bellevue School Board and Bellevue PTSA Council invite you to a conversation with our representatives.
Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48)
Senator Rodney Tom (D-48)
Rep. Fred Jarrett (D-41)

"Let's do something about state education funding" (A Proposal for the Basic Education Finance Joint Task Force), Tuesday, Oct. 14th 7pm
Sammamish High School Performing Arts Center

Washington State's education funding system is broken. Increasing costs and declining funds to public schools continue to create chronic under funding which affects every student in Bellevue and forces the district to use levy dollars to fund basic education programs.

2008-2009 could begin the change. For more than a year, the WA Joint Task Force on Basic Education Finance has been studying the education funding problems facing our state. Its report and suggestions to the legislature are due in December 2008. Finally, there will be a serious and open discussion in Olympia about what our kids need and how we can help them get it. The Task Force has been working on two monumental issues important to BSD and the State:

- redefining basic public education to include all that our children need for success
- developing an appropriate funding mechanism for our schools

This presentation will discuss a serious proposal to address these issues; and how we can help.

After the presentation, questions will be answered from the Board and the audience. For event information or to submit questions in advance, contact Bellevue PTSA Council President Janet Suppes or Legislative Chair Connie Gerlitz

For more info on the BEFJTF, visit
The Washington Learns report can be found at
Learn more about the WA education funding crisis at

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Newport PTSA - Class of 2011 News -- Memorial Service for Heather DeHart

Many of you, particularly those of you who had students in the orchestra program at Tyee, already know about the sudden and tragic death of Heather DeHart in a boating accident this past weekend. We recently learned from Tyee of the family's plans for Heather's memorial service and a memorial fund. Heather's parents wanted the school community to know that making room for the staff, students, and families is important to them. Here are the details provided by her family:

Memorial Service for Heather DeHart
Saturday, October 4 at 11 am
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
2316 180th Street SE, Bothell, WA

Heather DeHart Fund - Bellevue Schools Foundation Music Endowment
Send checks payable to the Bellevue Schools Foundation, indicating it is for The Heather DeHart Fund (otherwise your check will be placed into the Phonathon Fund).
Bellevue Schools Foundation
12111 NE 1st St # 320
Bellevue, WA 98005

Or donate online at:
NOTE: You will receive the opportunity to designate for Heather's Fund on the actual donation page in the "Gift Information" field. For those who receive Company Matching Funds this will help provide additional funding to Heather's passion of music in the BSD.

This week

This week:

News from the Counseling Center
Parent Internet Viewer
BSD Town Hall Meeting
BSD College Conference - Future by Design
Healthy Youth Survey
Support Grad Knight 2009

Julie Rooney

PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Counseling Information (follow-up from the Open House Grade Level Meeting)

The presentation from Open House should be online at the Newport High School Counseling Link. There is a lot of good information here!

I came across a couple of articles worth checking out...

This article has some interesting perspective about the high school experience, sports and more:

Apparently the Unigo links from the NYT article don't work - the site is actually at

Many of our local favorites aren't represented yet....Northern Arizona, SPU,

Whitman, Whitworth, Linfield, Willamette, University of Portland.......not there yet.


Interested in taking the PSAT?

If you would like your student to take the PSAT (the practice SAT) please pay the Newport accountant $20 by October 10th. The PSAT will be on Saturday, October 18th at Odle Middle School.


Parent Internet Viewer: The PIV provides parents and students access to attendance, grade and assignment information in a real-time atmosphere. Please note that the PIV only provides unofficial progress information. Official end-of-term grades are mailed home. Please refer to the mailed report cards for official grades. You can access the PIV by typing in the following:

User Name – is the Student ID number

Password – is the same as last year. If you have a new student to BSD, please ask your student for the Password FIRST before asking the office. You may not get this information over the phone and will need to show photo ID to get your student's password. Refer to the NHS website for instructions (Grades)


Town Hall Meeting

The Bellevue School Board is hosting a Town Hall meeting to learn about the proposals being made by the Basic Education Funding Task Force. The bi-partisan group has been working on what they hope to be a major piece of legislation to address education funding in this state. Come learn about what they are recommending. With the strike, many parents want to learn what they can do to resolve the issues of how schools are funded, how teacher pay is determined, and what is meant by basic education. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 14th @ 7:00 PM, Sammamish HS


BSD College Conference – Future by Design

Day: October 22, 2009

Time: 6:00 pm to 8:30pm

Location: Sammamish High School

More information can be found at If this date doesn't work for you, you can attend the event scheduled for Bellevue, International and Interlake on October 23 at Bellevue High.


The Healthy Youth Survey

"The Healthy Youth Survey" will be administered to 10th and 12th grade students on Tuesday October 14th. The survey asks questions that are related to students' increased risk of injury, poor health outcomes, and alcohol and drug use. Survey results are used by schools, communities, and the state and local health departments to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks. The survey is voluntary and anonymous.


Support Grad Knight 2009

Pointsetta - deadline for purchase November 7th.

Official Newport Umbrella

All purchases can be made though paypal on the website


Sports News
Girls interested in the Newport Gymnastics team should attend an informational meeting after school on October 10 at 3:30 pm on the Commons.
The Girls' Cross Country team came in second at the Nike Pre-National Meet on Saturday, September 27 in Portland OR and the Boys' team came in fourth.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Open House/ Back-To-School Night and more!

Isn't it nice to have the kids back in school? I am hoping to catch up and get organized! And we have a lot of information to catch up on!

Class Sweat Order Deadline
Open House/Back-To-School Night
Student Volunteers Needed
Bus pass & lockers
Picture Make-up Day & ASB cards
Spirit Week & Disco Dance
Varsity Football vs. Skyline (Home Game)
College Visits
Clubs & Yearbook submissions
PTSA Meeting
Updated School Calendar

Julie Rooney
PTSA Liaison Class of 2011

This message is sent to all parents of students in the Class of 2011 for whom I've been able to find an email address. Requests for removal cheerfully honored. Email addresses are in the BCC line to preserve your privacy. I'm subject to all the usual PTA restrictions... no soliciting of a commercial, political, or ideological purpose. Questions, ideas and suggestions are welcome and encouraged.


Order deadline for Class Sweats
Orders for Class Sweats are due by Friday, September 19th. Sophomore ASB officers will be in the Commons at lunchtime on Thursday and Friday this week with samples, forms and taking orders. The money the students raise selling class sweats goes toward Prom and Graduation, which are funded entirely by the students. Let's help our kids have a Prom & Graduation to remember!!


Open House/Back-To-School Night/Classroom Bucks
Mark your calendars for Back-To-School Night on Tuesday, the 23rd. If you are new to Newport….plan to arrive early (mainly to be able to park) and attend the Grade Level meeting at 6:15. Location of the 10th grade meeting will be posted in the Commons. If you can't arrive early, please consider carpooling.

Classroom presentations start at 7:00. Bring a copy of your student's schedule. Please have your student fill out their schedule on page 5 of the Knightline. Maps will be available.

Be sure to pick up your student directory (free to all PTSA members). If you haven't joined, please do. A membership form is available on page 4 of the Knightline and forms will be available at the membership table.

Browse the array of Newport booster "gear" in the Commons. Don't forget your checkbook!

And when you hear the Classroom Bucks announcement during 2nd period give generously - this money goes straight into our classrooms in the form of Grants to our teachers.

Back-To-School Night is NOT a time to talk about your student's performance or grades. Teachers will offer a brief summary of curriculum. Conversations about individual needs/concerns are best addressed in a separate appointment.


Student Volunteers Needed for Back-To-School Night
Any student interested in volunteering at Open House/Back-to-School Night from 5:45-8:45pm on Tuesday, September 23rd should come to the main office to sign up. Information about specific assignments will then be distributed prior to the event. Three hours of community service will be earned for this activity.


Need a Bus Pass or a Locker?
Volunteers will be outside the office Thursday and Friday this week to hand out bus passes and assign lockers.

Information about your student's Metro Bus Pass that I found out today. Your student does NOT want to lose this pass. Lost bus passes are not replaced by the school. Your student will have to purchase a new pass and pay approximately $27 per month until the end of November when the next pass is issued. Bus passes can be purchased at Bartels.


Pictures/ASB Cards/Student ID
Picture Make-Up day is Wednesday, September 24, beginning at 12:30 in the commons. This is for students that missed Check-In Days and did not have their picture taken for their ASB card. All students are required to have their picture taken and get an ID card.

For all home and away athletic events you must have your ASB card to get in free or at a reduced rate. Always have your ID card with you.

This is not for picture re-takes. Picture Re-Takes will be scheduled in October and your student will return their packet for a re-take. More information to follow.


Spirit Week & Disco Dance!
The first Spirit Week of the year week be September 22nd – 26th. More information to follow regarding themes for the days of the week.

The Welcome Back/Fall Sports Assembly is September 26th.

The Disco Dance is on Friday, September 26th following the Skyline Football home game. Tickets will go on sale next week during lunch until Thursday, September 25th. No tickets will be sold on Friday or at the door!. Guest Passes are on-line, and must be turned in no later than September 24th at 3:15. (No faxes, paper passes only).

Football BBQ - Fundraiser for the Class of 2009
Show your Newport Spirit --Come tailgate with all your friends before the Newport/Skyline football game on September 26th. Burger (3 kinds), salad, soda, chips and a cookie all for only $10 per ticket or $30 for 4 tickets. Dinner served from 5:30 - 6:30. Reserve your spot now; last day to join in the fun is September 23rd. Reservations can be purchased online at, at school September 15-19 during your lunch period, or at the GradKnight 2009 table during Back-To-School Night.


College Visits
Please come to the Counseling Office if you are interested in talking to college recruiters:

Whitman College, Sept 18, 10:45
Tufts, Sept 23, 12:10
Seattle Pacific University, Sept 23, 2:30
John Hopkins University, Sept 24, 2:30


The first meeting of Newport's Debate and Speech Club is scheduled for next Monday at 3:10 in room 2120. New members are always welcome!

Starry Knights Astronomy Club will have a brief meeting Friday at 3:10 p.m. in Room 3104. New members are welcome! We will be planning our first telescope outing for this Saturday if weather permits.

Attention all students. The yearbook is currently accepting submissions for the student life section of the yearbook. Submit photos from your "Summer Adventures", "Now and Then" and "Club Sports" to Ms. Driscoll's mailbox or email. Submit early and increase your chances of getting your photos in the book!


We invite you to the first PTSA Meeting, scheduled for Monday, September 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library


An updated school calendar can be found on the link
First Day of School: September 15, 2008

Winter Break: December 24, 2008 – January 2, 2009

Spring Break: April 6 – 10, 2009

Last Day of School: June 18, 2009

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tentative Teacher Agreement...

Signs all point to our kids being in class bright & early Monday morning. If that's the case…….
· Sophomores pick up final schedules in the Outside Gym first thing.
· They must have their summer reading done.

I guess we'll all watch the news to be certain about the final decision on Sunday. The contract will be presented to teachers at 5 p.m.

I am in process of creating a separate email for PTSA Class emails. It will come through as Julie Rooney ( So please check your junk mail and mark this email as safe.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Schedule Changes
Counselors will be available for appointments starting the first day of school. Go to the Counseling Center and make an appointment with the secretary. Continue to attend classes on your schedule.

Need a Bus Pass or a Locker?
Volunteers will be outside the office at lunch during the first week of school to hand out bus passes and assign lockers.

Class Sweats
If you are interested in Class Sweats you will need to order this week. I have attached the form. FYI - the shorts are a cobblestone, micro-mesh 9" short (red with a white N outlined in Black).

Spirit Week & Disco Dance
Spirit Week has been rescheduled for September 22nd-26th and the Disco Dance will be Friday, September 26th. More information to come.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A couple quick notes for Day 2 of the strike….

There IS Band Practice this evening. Chuck Johnson is having email troubles and asked for our help getting the word out.

Athletic Events this week:
Friday 9/5 - Varsity Football vs. Woodinville 7:00 @ Woodinville (Pop Cheney Stadium)
Saturday 9/6 – all day
Volleyball Varsity King Co Jamboree @ Newport HS
JV Volleyball King Co Jamboree @ Interlake HS

All events are listed by sport at

A question about Class Sweats – on the order form the t-shirt on the front has an N with little N’s in it and the back has Class of 2011 with little N’s in it (they are not flowers).

A couple of you have asked when the days will be made up due to the strike. That depends on how long the strike lasts and how the district & teachers eventually negotiate the makeup days.
If it’s short, all makeup days will be done during the three traditional breaks in December, February, and April. If it’s long…..or if there are snow days…..I don’t know what will happen.

Strike Resources:
BEA information is at
BSD information is at

The State and National PTA both advocate for children to be back in the classroom.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bellevue Schools Closed Until Further Notice

Hi everyone– wish I had different news to share.

BSD - (message below)

Feel free to ask me any questions you have and I’ll try to research them for you. Any days missed due to the strike will need to be made up.

Julie Rooney

From Kelly Munn, our Region 2 Legislation Chair (Kelly has good advice for us because she was active in PTA in Issaquah back when their teachers went on strike. Much of her advice was earned the hard way – through experience):

Don’t support one side over another. For the most part we know and like our teachers. For many of us, it’s instinctive to help the people that directly help our children. Don’t do it. It will prolong the strike. The more support one side gets, the more entrenched the strike will become, the longer the strike will last. The community needs to say “resolve the strike now, it’s not good for children” repeatedly, and to both sides.

The WSPTA has a position on strikes – that they are not good for children. See below. Consistently repeat this message to everyone.

If you distribute information, distribute information from both sides. Remember that this is a strike and that the information WILL BE biased on both sides, sometimes it will be out and out lies, other times it will be sins of omissions. The community does not have a seat at the bargaining table and therefore we don’t really understand what is being negotiated. Both sides will spin the information to their advantage. We will never really understand what is being negotiated.

Don’t bring donuts to the picket lines. The teachers will take it as “support” and it makes them feel supported, don’t take donuts to the admin office either – it does the same to them. We speak for kids, and strikes are not good for kids, we need a strike to end as quickly as possible.

If money is one of the problems, money is not a local issue, it’s a statewide issue. Blame the lack of state education funding. The state does not provide enough money to our communities. Bellevue is perceived as a “wealthy” district, and is wealthy in some areas, but in terms of per pupil funding Bellevue is “middle of the pack” in funding, even with its high levy lid. The state needs to adequately fund school districts and this includes adequately funding teachers. This is not a local school district problem, it’s a state wide funding problem.

Do not believe what you hear. Although leaders, the press, etc. will say that the dispute is about “money” or about “curriculum” or it’s about teachers being “valued”, that is rarely what is actually being negotiated. This is why it’s better for the community to consistently say “strikes hurt children.” We don’t really know what is going on, and the information will be biased at best from both sides.

There is a normal course for a strike to run through. There may be personal attacks on the highest levels of leadership. There may be suggestions that the budget can be balanced with the “reserve fund” (when those funds run out your school district will have to make cuts). The school district may be giving too little information which adds significantly more confusion to the community. Teachers may be concerned that they are “not valued as the professionals that they are” These are all things that are said in most teachers strikes.

Help the school community to repair itself after the strike. Thank the teachers for getting back to work, thank the administrators for making a deal. Recruit people to go to Olympia to work on more funding for schools across the state. Work together with administrators, teachers and parents towards something positive.


Resolution, 1986
Revised, 2006
Whereas, The Washington State PTA has a purpose “To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, spiritual education”; and,

Whereas, Quality Education is a high priority issue for the Washington State PTA; and, Whereas, Washington State citizens have historically valued the reliable delivery of vital services and the orderly management of public institutions including fire and police services and public schools, and,

Whereas, The Washington State PTA also holds that a disruption to the educational system in the form of work stoppages and strikes is detrimental to the best interests of the children and
families affected by those actions, and, Whereas, The Washington State PTA believes that a disruption to the educational system in the form of work stoppages and/or strikes is often detrimental to the best interest of the children and families affected by those actions. While acknowledging that more state resources must be committed to the educational process in the State of Washington, including higher salaries for educational employees: therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Washington State PTA shall work to produce conditions with regard to the collective bargaining process which will consistently produce, in a timely manner, labor agreements negotiated and fully embraced by the direct parties thereto and which will not cause disruption to the school calendar; and be it further

Resolved, That the Washington State PTA will not support work stoppages and/or strikes which interrupt or disrupt the educational day.

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Oxrieder, Ann (C Ann)"
Date: September 1, 2008 6:09:20 PM PDT

Subject: strike update -- please share

Bellevue Schools are closed until further notice.

The Bellevue teachers’ union has announced a strike against the Bellevue School District starting Tuesday, September 2. Because of the strike, all District schools are closed until further notice.

Negotiations continue with the assistance of a mediator from the Public Employment Relations Commission. . . .

The strike and its impact will be an agenda item at the School Board’s regular meeting, Tuesday, September 2, at 4:30 PM.

This information will be updated regularly.

Will there be childcare?

Children already enrolled in the District’s childcare program may sign up for fee-supported services at their regular sites. Full-day Head Start will also be on its regular schedule. Half-day pre-school and half-day Head Start will be cancelled. Additional childcare options are available. Access News Release>

Will there be school sports?
School sports and related practices will continue on their regular schedules. Practices will occur at the same times they would occur if schools were in session. No special practices schedules will be permitted.

Will community groups be able to use District facilities and fields?
Community use of District facilities and athletic fields will continue for the time being.

Ann Oxrieder
Assistant to the Superintendent
Bellevue School District
425 456-4127

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back To School News!

Strike Update:
The District continues to post updates on union negotiations and the BEA also has posted information. There are 3 more days of negotiation. We encourage you to seek out information, particularly those of you who are new to the district and may not be familiar with this process. There has been a lot more media coverage regarding the possibility of a strike so be sure to listen to the local news on September 1st. The district website will indicate what everyone should do on September 2nd.

Bellevue Education Association:
Bellevue School District:
24 Hour Newsline, (425) 456 - 4111 (recorded message)
Sign up for BSD E-mail Notification at:

If you want updates from the district via email, you should send an email to, and request to be added to the distribution.

If there is a strike, high school sports programs will continue as scheduled.

And remember:

PTA has no role in the bargaining process and therefore no position on this issue.
The Washington State PTA works very hard to improve education funding for teachers at the state level, and does not support disruption to the school calendar.

With that said...

School is scheduled to begin on September 2nd at 7:30 am. Your student should pick up a Final Course Schedule, starting at 7:00 am in the Outside Gym.

If you have an issue with your schedule, make an appointment with your counselor on the first day of school. Your student should continue to attend classes on their schedule until their issue is resolved with their counselor.

Need a Bus Pass or a Locker?
Volunteers will be outside the office at lunch during the first week of school to hand out bus passes and assign lockers.

Picture Makeup Day
Everyone needs a Picture ID card, even if you don’t pay for ASB. If you don’t have one yet, plan on staying at school on Wednesday, September 10th. The Photographers will be here at 12:40. If you want to buy pictures, extra envelopes are in the office.

Theatre Department
Auditions for the All-School Play ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, one of the greatest American comedies, are September 17th and 18th after school from 3:15-5:15 in the Theatre. Performances dates are November 6th through the 8th. Rehearsals are Monday through Thursday after school. An Audition Information packet will be available in front of the ASB Secretaries Office the second week of school.

Student News:
Olympic Congratulations!
Anna Mickelson Cummins wins an Olympic Gold in 8-man crew! She is a Newport Grad of 1998 and UW Grad!

Julie Rooney
PTSA 2011 Class Liaison

· This message is sent to the families of all students in Newport’s Class of 2011 that I have email addresses for.
· If your student has moved to another school, please let me know and I’ll remove you promptly. We are sorry to see you go.
· Email names are in the BCC line to preserve your privacy.
· Past messages are archived and available for review at the blog address in my signature line.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Check-In Day is next week!

Check-in Day is next week!

Check-In Day
Fall Packet Info
Class Sweats
Volunteers Needed
Daily Bulletin
September Dates
Check-In Day Info
Sophomores have check-in from 8:00 to 9:15 on the morning of Thursday, August 21st.
Students should arrive according to the alphabet sequence on the agenda.
Last year the school was *very* strict about this. Coaches will honor absences for check-in.

If you can not make your time, you can NOT come EARLY, but you CAN come LATER than your scheduled
time. If you are unable to make the registration day, your student can take care of all of their paperwork & fees the first week of school.

A parent or guardian can check-in for a student-you must bring identification.

Please remind your student that they need to enter the school at the entrance near the football field.
If they try to enter on the Factoria Boulevard entrance, they will be asked to walk around the building and they aren't very happy when we tell them to do so!
Fall Packet Info

Yes, you should read every single word! This is an incredible source of information for all parents. We do change things up year to year to streamline the process. Have all forms and checks ready to go.

Station 1 - Return Information sheets (PTSA, Student Profile, Health information, Physical forms, etc)

Please note the following about the Student Profile Form:

Student Profile Form: Release of information about student: for privacy reasons, many parents check N to the first question here “Should directory information be released as explained above? Please read this paragraph carefully. It means that…..
• The family doesn’t receive the PTSA newsletter.
• The family won’t be in the directory (unless they fill out the directory form and opt back in).
• The student’s name won’t appear on the honor roll or any other published list of student achievement.
• The student’s name won’t appear in the graduation program.

Just wanted to help you make sure you picked the option you intended here. If you have specific questions, the Registrar, Shelby Dawes, 456-7521, would be a good person to ask.

Station 2 - Pick up Schedule
- your student did get a preliminary schedule at the end of the school year. They will pick up a schedule at check-in and again on the first day of school
- be prepared to pay fees associated with any science, fine arts or career/technology classes

Station 3 - The FEES/FINE station - They’ll put you into another line (more waiting) if you don’t pay your fines prior to check-in days.
- $45 ASB
- $55 Annual (I encourage you to purchase this now rather than later)
- Activity/Athletic Fees
- science, fine arts, career/technology fees
- Fees associated with classes

Station 4 - Metro Pass/Bus transportation
If your student is eligible for bus transportation, you should have received a form to be signed by both student and parent. Please have your student bring this signed form to registration day.

Station 5 - ID cards/school pictures
Mandatory ID pictures will be taken on check-in day. Students who wish to purchase picture packets need to refer to the form from Dorian. Make checks payable to Dorian. If students want their picture to appear in the annual, they must have their school picture taken. Picture make-up day is scheduled for September 10th.

Station 6 - Parking
Parking passes for Sophomores - please set a LOW expectation for the chance for a parking pass (Seniors & Juniors have priority), YET I encourage you to have all of the paperwork that you received filled out (with the exception of payment) so that your student can be placed on a waiting list. This includes the yellow Student Vehicle Registration form, Newport HS Parking Policy (signed by both parent/student), proof of insurance, license. (they will want to see the actual insurance form & license - not a copy)

Station 7 - Lockers (optional)
- two people may share a locker & sign up together
- you can opt to sign up for a locker after check-in days

Class Sweats - I am sure your student noticed there was not a form included in the packet. No worries! We've had a change in class advisors and are working on getting this information as well as an ASB fundraiser for the Class of 2011 into a flyer that I will send out. More information to come!

Volunteers Needed – First few days of school
It’s not too late to sign up if you want to help with jobs the first week of school. The kids really appreciate seeing our familiar faces and of course the office really relies on our help. For more information contact Tony Brocato

Daily Bulletin
If you want to receive the Daily Bulletin in your email inbox, send your email address to

September Dates

9/10 picture make-up day
9/17 PTSA Meeting
9/23 Grade Level presentations 6:15
Back to school - Open House 7:00
Classroom Bucks Fundraiser

Enjoy the last few weeks of summmer!

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Auction Meeting, Summer Volunteer Opportunities

The issue of “Knightline” that arrived in our mailboxes has pretty much all the information anyone could possibly want – but here are a few early August tidbits.

Auction Meeting
Chair Gracie Hunt would like to cordially invite you to the Kick Off meeting for Newport’s 2009 Auction!!
Newport High School Library
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The agenda will include many important preliminary decisions – nothing is yet set in stone. If you have strong opinions about where the money is spent (the only proposal I’m aware of is to use it to build a cover over the stands of the football/soccer field), who is involved, etc…. now is the time to get involved.

Summer volunteer opportunities – mark you calendars and let us know if you want to join the fun. Great parent-networking opportunity – don’t miss out!

Fall Packets
Helpers needed to assemble the Fall Packets on THURSDAY, August 7 beginning at 9:00 a.m. through noon (probably sooner if we have enough people!). Meet in the Commons (in front of office). No experience necessary. OK to bring NHS students and community service hours will be given.

Registration Days
We also need helpers to hand out schedules, assign lockers, distribute METRO passes, and much more. Registration Days; August 20 (11 and 12th grades) and August 21 (10 and 11th grades) from 7:30 – 11:30 (shifts are OK.) Not necessary to only work your kids’ grade level! Any time is appreciated.

If you’re interested in either of these opportunities, please send an email to PTSA President Tony Brocato at

Volunteer Hours
Summer is also a great time for students to build up their volunteer hours. All students need 40 hours to graduate and those who do 100 or more can earn the “Knight Valor” award from our PTSA. Details at

Just a reminder about your sophomore’s Summer Reading Packet due September 2nd…it’s 9 pages of summer fun!!

Now enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer is almost here

Summer is almost here! Be sure to be checking the website for any news regarding sports and other updates And keep your Knightline Newsletter handy as all of the important dates for August and September are listed on the front cover.

July 30th - Athletics Office re-opens

August 6th - Main office re-opens

Have a safe and relaxing summer!

Julie Rooney

PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison


Walk-A-Thon to Benefit the Taryn Gillies Fund
Attached is a flyer for a Walk-a-thon to benefit the Taryn Gillies Fund on June 18th at Newport. If you have questions, contact Farrah Griffin at

Summer Volunteering Opportunities
Prepare Back-to-School packets (tentatively August 7; 9:00 am til noon?)
Help at Registration (August 20; 7:30 am to 1:30 pm, and August 21 7:30 to 11:00) Volunteers receive training to help make student locker assignments, distribute METRO or parking passes, and distribute schedules. Prefer volunteers who can help for at least three hours. Please indicate what times you are available. Students are welcome as runners. Freshmen will be registering on August 23.

First two weeks of school Registration - lunch time Volunteers register new students or those who missed the regular day

Please contact Tony Brocato if you are available

Classes and Finals for Grades 9, 10 and 11On Monday, June 16 - Thursday, June 19, Newport will operate on the following adjusted schedule due to finals. June 19 is a district-wide two hour day. (On June 16 and 17 there will be only one lunch)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Final Weeks - Spirit Week & Finals

It’s the final week of “normal” activities…here’s the latest news…

I can't guarantee this is my last message, if so have a wonderful break with your family and friends.

With the coldest June on record - hope for sunshine soon!

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class Liaison 2011


Spirit Week!

Tuesday: Western Day – grab you lasso and rodeo!
Wednesday: College Day – Seniors, show off where you are going!
Thursday: Color Wars

Seniors: Black
Juniors: Blue
Sophomores: White
Freshmen: Green
Staff: Red
Friday: Red & Gold! Moving Up Assembly, so make it count!


Newport HS Wins W.I.A.A. Top Honor - Scholastic Cup
The Wells Fargo Scholastic Cup is the WIAA’s most prestigious annual school award.

The Wells Fargo Scholastic Cup Championship competition is a year-long program designed by the WIAA and awarded to the top school in each of the six WIAA classifications. The Wells Fargo Scholastic Cup is emblematic of the top interscholastic programs in Washington that display excellence in academics, sportsmanship and athletic performances throughout the school year.

Here are the top winners of the Wells Fargo Scholastic Cup.

4A Mead 1140 points
3A Newport (Bellevue) 1085 pointsClick here for Press Release
Click here for Final Point Totals
Click here for How Points are Awarded

Newport Athletics News - please check the website during the summer for any updates

June 23-26 - NHS Boys Basketball Camp
Thursday July 3 - Athletic Office Closes for the Summer
July 7-12 - NHS Volleyball Camp
July 17-20 - NHS Girls Basketball Camp
Monday July 20 - Gyms shut down for re-finishing floors
Monday August 4 - Athletic Office Re-Opens (7:00 AM)
Friday August 15 - Football Paperwork due - All Football players must be cleared by this date
Wednesday August 20 - Football Practice Begins (Note: Frosh FB begins on Thursday Aug. 21st)
Friday August 22 - All Other Fall Sports Paperwork due
Monday August 25 - All Other Fall Sports Begin
Thursday September 4 - 3rd Annual Rally Knight



Extended Tutorial
Extended tutorial is cancelled for June 10th.

Library Books
All library items are due today immediately. Please return all library books, magazines and videos no later than 3:15 on Thursday June 12th to avoid paying the replacement cost and/or a $5 late fee.


Boys’ Golf
There will be a brief meeting after school on Wednesday June 11th, at 12:45 pm, in the Main Gym for all of those trying out for the Boy’s Golf Team. See you there! Coach Nimmo


Finals Exam Policy
Any student who requests to leave school before teachers have administered final exams may take the final exam during summer vacation or no later than the first week of the next school year. Teachers do not administer finals in advance, as it has impacted the validity of the test. A principal will administer the exam to the student and the teacher will submit a grade change form upon return in the fall. During the interim, the grade would be an incomplete. Any student wishing to pursue this option must meet with the grade-level administrator to coordinate the exams.

Summer Volunteering Opportunities

Prepare Back-to-School packets (tentatively August 7; 9:00 am til noon?)
Help at Registration (August 20; 7:30 am to 1:30 pm, and August 21 7:30 to 11:00) Volunteers receive training to help make student locker assignments, distribute METRO or parking passes, and distribute schedules. Prefer volunteers who can help for at least three hours. Please indicate what times you are available. Students are welcome as runners. Freshmen will be registering on August 23.
First two weeks of school Registration – lunch time Volunteers register new students or those who missed the regular day
Please contact Tony Brocato if you are available

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It doesn't seem possible that we'll soon be parents of Sophomores! Just when I think I've sent out my last email for the year, there is more info that you should know.

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

Pride Week
Yearbook Distribution
Powder Puff Football to Benefit St. Jude's Hospital
Band, Choir & Orchestra Concerts this week
Fall Sports Packets
Volleyball Meeting
Track Banquet
Student Parking
Staff Luncheon
Dine for '09
Summer Volunteer Hours
Finals Exam Policy & Schedule


Pride Week!
Pride Week is a week long celebration for students and staff for a successful and LONG school year. There will be videos at lunch from the video productions class showcasing student work, jazz band will perform a few mornings before school, Locker clean-out, yearbook and cap and gown distribution will occur Wed after school, Powder puff football game on Thursday and a Free concert to staff and students will occur Friday at 1:30 in the main gym. Students will be able to sign yearbooks at the concert Friday afternoon as well.

THIS FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Seattle rock band "Thee Emergency" will perform live here at Newport. Entrance is free! Critics have written, "This band is a party waiting to happen, a mosh pit of garage rock and soul."


In order for your student to pick up their yearbook they must present their ASB card or valid picture identification. Yearbooks will be distributed Wednesday, June 4th, after school from 12:40 to 2:00. Make sure your student has paid for one by checking the list by the Accountant's office in the Commons. If your student has any fines outstanding, they will not be allowed to pick up their yearbook. The fines list is also by the Accountant's office. Students can pay fines from 7:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. There are a limited number of yearbooks available if your student has not purchased one and these will be available to purchase on Thursday on a first-come first-serve basis.


Powder Puff Football
The Powder Puff game is THIS Thursday. Girls play football, one class against another, and the teachers have a team. The boys wear cheerleader outfits or coach. Sponsored by 7th period Leadership and benefits St. Jude's Hospital. Donations can be made directly to the accountants office. Buy your tickets now! Tickets will be sold Tuesday and Thursday at both lunches. They will also be sold at the door. $5 with ASB, $6 without.


Band, Choir and Orchestra Concerts
Tuesday, June 3rd Band Concert, 7:30 pm, Theater
Wednesday, June 4th Choir Concert, 7:30 pm, Theater
Thursday, June 5th Orchestra Concert, 7:30 pm


Sunday, June 8 from 2:00-3:00 pm

Baccalaureate is an inspirational, uplifting, and often very moving presentation that celebrates where Senior students have been and where they are going. Students are invited to speak and perform music of their own choosing. Attendance is optional for students & their families.

The question everyone asks about Baccalaureate is this: "Is it a religious ceremony?" By definition it is a religious ceremony, but in practice, the answer depends on how it has been planned & what selections the students will sing or read. Sometimes there's religious content, and sometimes there isn't. Mostly students talk about the challenges they've faced and the road they see ahead of them. It's always touching and a wee bit emotional.

And because it's a PTSA event, there are snacks afterwards.


Fall Sports Packets
If you plan to participate in a fall sport, please pick up a new packet outside the ASB office. If you think or are just not sure if your physical is still up to date (physicals are good for 24 months) please see Mrs. Schacht in the ASB office. This should not be an issue for most freshman.

Newport Volleyball
All players interested in playing Volleyball next year please attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, June 4th, in room 3109 after school.

Attention all track athletes!
Our annual track banquet will be held at 6pm on June 9th in the Newport Commons. All athletes should come and bring something to eat. Freshman and sophomores should bring main dishes, juniors should bring salads and bread, seniors should bring drinks and dessert. All track uniforms can be returned at the banquet or to the ASB secretary's office this week.

Kudos to:
The Neon Knights for winning the High School Division of the Annual Ski to Sea Race (85 miles from Mt. Baker to Bellingham Bay)


Student Parking Last Week of School
As seniors are done on June 13th, and will no longer be occupying parking spots, it will be very tempting for students to think that empty spots mean they can park on campus. Please advise your student that these parking spots are still by permit only. This doesn't really pertain to our students, yet they may be hitching a ride with an upperclassman.

Parking permits are distributed for security purposes as well as for allocating a scarce resource. The school needs to know who is on campus, and that cars are legitimately there. The only way they have of doing this is by registering students and issuing parking permits.


End of Year Luncheon for NHS Teachers and Staff
Denise Saedi and Rose Dennis are requesting YOUR support for the end of the year PTA luncheon for the NHS teacher's and staff by providing a picnic type salad (potato or past) or a picnic type casserole.

The luncheon is Thursday, June 19th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Food needs to be dropped off by 8:30 a.m. If you are able to help out please confirm your menu donation to no later than Tuesday, June 10th.


DINE for '09In an effort to raise funds for the Class of 2009's Graduation Party the class of 2009 Sr. Party Committee will be hosting a DINE for '09event that is open for all Newport students and families.

Join us any Tuesday during the month of June at Angelos Restaurant in Bellevue. Thanks to our very own Newport High School family, the Ricci's, for being the first to host a DINE for '09 evening. Angelos is a wonderful Italian restaurant that serves delicious Italian comfort food and have been serving our neighborhood for over 30 years. There address is: 1830 130TH Ave NE, Bellevue, to make reservations call (425) 883-2777. Be sure to mention that you are there for the Dine for '09 event. And thank you again to Angelos Restaurant for donating a percentage of the cost of your meal to the class of 2009.

Bon Appetite!

Summer Volunteer Hours
Summer is also a great time for students to build up their volunteer hours...all students need 40 hours of volunteer time to graduate, and those who do 100 or more can earn the "Knight Valor" award from our PTSA. Details at

Information about Summer School, Finals schedule and other relevant school information can be found at the school web site,

Finals Exam Policy
Any student who requests to leave school before teachers have administered final exams may take the final exam during summer vacation or no later than the first week of the next school year. Teachers do not administer finals in advance, as it has impacted the validity of the test. A principal will administer the exam to the student and the teacher will submit a grade change form upon return in the fall. During the interim, the grade would be an incomplete. Any student wishing to pursue this option must meet with the grade-level administrator to coordinate the exams. Please contact Janet Suppes in the office for more information

Classes and Finals for Grades 9, 10 and 11(On June 16 and 17 there will be only one lunch)
On Monday, June 16 - Thursday, June 19, Newport will operate on the following adjusted schedule due to finals. June 19 is a district-wide two hour day.