Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PSAT Reminder

Juniors: Remember to bring your calculator for the Super Wednesday PSAT on Wednesday, October 14th. Room assignments will be posted outside the main office on Monday (10/12) afternoon. Testing begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Tutorial is available from 11:30-12:30

Class Sweats - available for pick-up in room 2011 after school. Please have your student pick up their sweats as there is no space to store these in the classroom.

School Pictures - are still in the office...send your student in after the test!

Hall Decs - Thursday in the commons under the stairs 3:00-10:00 p.m. The ASB class officers have come up with some great ideas for the ESPN theme. Encourage your student to join in the fun.
Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison