Sunday, December 6, 2009

December News!

Brrrr it is cold outside! And some very cold & icy mornings expected for next week. December is a busy month...

Sprit Week
2011 Grad Knight Vino Event
AP Test Registration
PSAT Results
Yearbook Deadline
Student Store Cash Cards
Community Service - Levy calls
Support 2010 ESCRIP Fundraising
Bellevue District News

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

SPIRIT WEEK! Dec 7th to 11th
Monday – Sports Jersey Day
Tuesday – Snow Clothes Day
Wednesday – Neon Day
Thursday – Color Wars! Juniors – White
Friday – Red & Gold Day & assembly schedule

Tolo tickets will be on sale at both lunches next week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, as well as Wednesday after school. No tickets will be sold on Friday! Tickets will be $13 each. Be sure to get your guest passes if needed! Guest passes are available online and in the office and are due to the office by 3:15 on December 9th. No late passes will be accepted. Remember – your student will need an administrator from your guest’s school to sign it, so don’t wait until the last minute.

2011 Grad Knight Fundraiser - Vino Event
RSVP's are coming in for our first 2011 Grad Knight Fundraiser! Sunday, December 13th 2:30-5:00 Vino @ The Landing. $25 per person or $40 per couple. RSVP to or
Bring your friends and try 4 different “Holiday Dinner Friendly” wines along with some light appetizers
Participate in wine tasting tips
Join in Holiday raffles - including Silpada earrings, gift card to Stan's BBQ in Issaquah, wine charms & chocolates!
Special discount for bottle purchases and gift bags for NHS Parents and Friends

AP Test Registration
Online registration extended through Friday, Dec. 11th. The link is on the Newport website, at Students use their password that gives them access to school computers, not the grade viewer password. Students register NOT parents! Still having problems? Send your student to the Main Office. If financial assistance is needed, send your student to the office to get the application. Return the forms to Ms. Suppes in the Main Office. If applying for financial assistance, do not make payment until your student has met with Ms. Suppes or Ms. Klug. Payments to the Accountant will be accepted starting December 7th

Wondering about PSAT scores?
These will be received by the school this month. Hopefully before winter break, yet many times they are received during winter break. The counselors will meet with the students to explain how to read the test scores, sign up for SAT, etc.

Buying a Yearbook?
The deadline to purchase a book is December 16!!! Books cost $55 and checks are made out to Newport High School. Any questions see Mrs. Pierson, the Accountant.


Student Store Cash Cards
Send a check with your student and they can use a card like cash! No more worries about forgetting money!


Community Service – Phone callers needed
PTA is looking for students to phone local residents and encourage them to vote in the February Levy election. Calling will be done at the Puget Sound Energy building in Bellevue, from 5 pm to 8 pm, and you can sign up for any of the following dates: January 25, 26, 27, 28, February 1, 2. Food will be served! Signup sheets are in the Main Office.

2010 Grad Knight Fundraising
Let's support the Grad Knight efforts of the class of 2010. We'll be asking the other classes to support our efforts next year!
For those that like to skip the madness of holiday shopping and do it online please read the information posted below on how you can sign up to have your online shopping support GradKnight 2010! It takes thousands of dollars to put on this safe and fun event so here is an opportunity to help just by doing your normal online shopping. eScrip Online Mall has over 1,000 stores that contribute to our GradKnight account for items purchased from their website through eScrip. The contribution ranges from as low as 1.00% to as high as 16%. By using the directory as you enter the eScrip site you can see the list of stores and the percentage. Examples are: Old Navy - 3%, Amazon - 2.4%, Home Depot - 3% and Nordstrom contributes 6%. There are coupons and offers of free shipping as well and the site is E A S Y ! These are websites where you shop all the time. Go to this website to get started:, Existing eScrip members can log on by going to and log on to their account and shop away. All purchases remain anonymous but the contribution goes directly to our eScrip account.

District News

School Closure Information As temperatures drop and rumors of snow are beginning to surface, a new Emergency School Closure Information image link has also been placed on the home page (

4th Annual Education Roadshow - Save the date! Wednesday, January 20, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:45 pm at Sammamish High School. The title is The Road Ahead: Understanding 21st Century Schools. You can learn more about education goals and innovations in Bellevue’s classrooms, as well as those emerging around the country. Guest speakers include Dr. John Deasy of the Gates Foundation, and Dr. Amalia Cudeiro, Bellevue Schools Superintendent.

District Budget Issues are serious. We don't want you to be surprised when they start talking larger class size, staff reduction or losing the 7 period day. There should be some info coming out from the legislative chairs soon about what kind of action can be taken that would be productive for us as parents. PTSA Focus Day is coming January 18, 2010 and the February Levy election - so stay tuned!
BSDreSource Blog - check out this blog from a high school student's perspective regarding budget cuts