Monday, November 30, 2009

2011 Grad Knight News, AP Test Registration, Toy Drive & Tolo

Wishing all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

2011 Grad Knight Committee News
Reminder from Officer Mills
Leadership Toy Drive
Ski Swap Results
Bus Passes
AP Test Registration
Knights in Vienna Auditions
Bus Passes
PTSA Directories and school pictures
Dates to Remember
First Semester finals schedule

Julie Rooney
PTSA Class of 2011 Liaison

2011 Grad Knight Committee News
We had a great initial meeting and are looking forward to our first "event". Mark your calendars for December 13th for "wine tasting and fund raising" at Vino at The Landing. More information to follow!

Reminder from Officer Mills:
Do not leave valuables in the locker room at any time. Remind your student not to hide their cell phones or wallets in their sports bags. Belongings should be in a locker, and the locker should be locked. This includes after school hours. The locker rooms are in constant use after school, and the doors are left unlocked. If something stolen, an incident report form available in the Main Office should be filled out

Leadership Toy Drive
Newport’s Toy Drive will start next Monday, November 30th, and run until Friday, December 4th. We will be collecting NEW, non-wrapped toys, books, or stuffed animals for disadvantaged children in our community. A collection box will be in 2nd period class. A general collection box will be in Mr. Lillie’s room, 2123. The class that collects the most toys will be awarded with a special surprise.

Ski Swap Update
We had sales of $370,000 (about a 10% increase over last year’s record sales) and a record turnout of shoppers. People came from all over the region, and we even made it on the 11 o’clock news on Channel 7. Thanks to all who volunteered and shopped!

Bus Passes
New bus passes are available in the Main Office, from Ms. Caufield, starting Monday, November 23rd.

AP Test Registration
Online registration starts November 30th for students taking AP tests. Your student should have received instructions on how to register from their AP teacher. Your student registers for these tests, not the parent. If financial assistance is needed, an application is required and is available in the office. These forms should be returned to Ms. Suppes in the Main Office as early as possible. If you are applying for financial assistance, do not make your payment until you have met with Ms. Suppes or Ms. Klug.

Payments for AP exams will be accepted starting December 7 and are made to the accountant If you are receiving financial aid or are on the payment plan, you must pay cash or check to the Accountant. Online payments can be done at any time.

Knights In Vienna
The Newport Orchestras are seeking talented student musicians to feature at their annual “Knights in Vienna” event to be held on January 16. AUDITIONS - Thursday, December 10th, starting after school in room 1225 for students that play an instrument, sing or would like to be in the spotlight at a flashy evening of dancing, music and great food!. Pick up audition applications in the Main Office; they’re due Monday, Dec. 7th

Tolo Info – Tickets, Dresses, Traditions
Every year, there are kids attending Tolo for the first time….and of course we have lots of new families….so here’s some info to help your student with planning their evening. Tolo will be on Saturday, December 12th.

Guest passes are now available online and in the office for Tolo. The dance is on December 12th. Guest passes are due to the office by 3:15 on December 9th. No late passes will be accepted. Remember – you will need an administrator from your guest’s school to sign it, so don’t wait until the last minute.

Tolo info from the Newport Dictionary: A formal dance held at school in early December. Girls generally ask the boys. Often the girls pay for the dance tickets, dinner, and any day activities planned by the couple. The boys pay for photos, transportation, and dessert. If the costs of the school-related aspects of Tolo (tickets, photos) are a financial hardship for your family, please see a school counselor or administrator about financial aid. Dinner, dessert, and day activities are not part of the school event.

Buying a Yearbook?
The deadline to purchase a book is December 16!!! All students who have not purchased one by this deadline, risk not getting one because we sell any extra’s on a first come first serve basis after the yearbook is distributed in June. Books cost $55 and checks are made out to Newport High School. Any questions see Mrs. Pierson, the Accountant.

Bellevue Ski School
It's Snowing and the local slopes are opening early this year. Let your kids have a blast boarding and skiing this winter. Sign them up at Early registration (saves you $25) ends 11/30 and late registration ends 12/15 for the 2010 season. Discounted season passes at Snoqualmie Summit available (through 12/15) for our students mean more skiing and boarding in 2010. Since 1958, Bellevue Ski School has offered premier quality snowboarding and skiing instruction for students in grades 2 through 12. We are affiliated with the Bellevue School District, and managed by parent, teacher and community volunteers. Professional instruction is provided by Ullr Snow Sports.

Directories & school pictures
PTA members who did not pick up their directory during Open House can now do so in the Main Office. School pictures and retakes are also available for pick-up!

Dates to Remember
Tolo: December 12
Winter Break: December 19 to January 1
Mid-Winter Break: February 15 to 18
Spring Break: April 5-9
Prom: June 5
Graduation: June 14
Last Day of School: June 17